No matter how much we might joke about its return in our grown-up WhatsApp groups, the truth is Y2K culture has permeated the world of fashion so much this year that even we 30-year-olds are coming round to the idea. The nostalgia is real right now, with Carrie Bradshaw back on our screens, Britney Spears back in action, Paris Hilton getting married and even Lindsay Lohan returning to acting. So as the popular adage goes, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
But how do we do it in an age-appropriate way? Well, there are certain trends we should be leaving well and truly behind us—Von Dutch hats and pubic bone–skimming Miss Sixty jeans included. But believe it or not, there are ways to navigate Y2K trends into your current wardrobe without looking like your teenage self. Keep scrolling to find out how.
Tagged: how-to-shop