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How To Survive A Heart Attack If You Are Alone And Things You Should Avoid

How To Survive A Heart Attack If You Are Alone And Things You Should Avoid

1. Chew and swallow an aspirin.

According to Healthline. If you are able to do so, aspirin can help thin your blood and reduce the risk of further damage to your heart. However, do not take an aspirin if you are allergic to it or if you have been advised not to take it by your doctor.

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2. Take nitroglycerin if prescribed by your doctor.

Nitroglycerin is a medication that can help to open up the blood vessels in your heart and improve blood flow. It is usually taken by placing a tablet under your tongue.

3. Stop any physical activity and rest.

Avoid exerting yourself and try to find a comfortable position, such as Click “HERË” To Read The Full Write-up On Our web

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