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Last year, we published a series about what Google had done to the web, capped off by a feature about search engine optimization titled “The People Who Ruined the Internet.” It made more than a few SEO experts upset (which was tremendously fun for me because I love watching people yell at Nilay on various social platforms).
But a year has passed, and we’ve had a change of heart. Maybe search engine optimization is actually a good thing. Maybe appeasing the search algorithm is not only a sustainable strategy for building a loyal audience, but also a strategic way to plan and produce content. What are journalists, if not content creators?
Anyway, SEO community, consider this our apology. And what better way to say “our bad, your industry is not a cesspool of AI slop but a brilliant vision of what a useful internet could look like” than collecting all the things we’ve learned in one handy print magazine? Which is why I’m proud to introduce The Verge Guide to Search Engine Optimization: All the Tips, Tricks, Hints, Schemes, and Techniques for Promoting High-Quality Content!

Just kidding! (You weren’t fooled for a second, were you?)
If you pull back the cover, you’ll discover the real magazine: Content Goblins, an anthology of stories about “content” and the people who “make” it.
In very Verge fashion, we are meeting the moment where the internet has been overrun by AI garbage by publishing a beautifully designed, limited edition print product. (Also, the last time we printed a magazine, it won a very prestigious design award.) Content Goblins collects some of our best stories over the past couple years, capturing the cynical push for the world’s great art and journalism to be reduced into units that can be packaged, distributed, and consumed on the internet. Consider Content Goblins as our resistance to that movement. With terrific new art and photography, we’re making the case that great reporting is vital and enduring — and worth paying for.
This gorgeous, grotesque magazine can be yours if you commit to an annual subscription to The Verge — while supplies last. You can read more about our subscription here.