On Saturday, the Younger actress shared the first photo of her newborn, whose name is Mae James Bair. The family snapshot shows Duff holding the baby girl while sitting in a small pool alongside Banks Violet, as her husband and son Luca, 8, look on with loving expressions.
“Mae James Bair- We LOVE you beauty 3-24-21,” she captioned the black-and-white picture.
Duff and Koma, who married in December 2019, welcomed Banks Violet in October 2018. Duff shares her son Luca with ex-husband and former NHL player Mike Comrie.
Duff announced her pregnancy last October with a cute boomerang video of Koma affectionately rubbing her belly. “We are growing!!! Mostly me…,” she captioned the clip.
Shortly after announcing her pregnancy, the actress and singer revealed that she was exposed to COVID-19. “Exposed to covid,” she wrote at the time. “Quarantine day 2.”
See Duff’s adorable photo of her new baby daughter here.