Source: LizardCube/Guard Crush Games / Dotemu
Due to the success of the first two Sonic The Hedgehog movies, another SEGA property is reportedly getting the film treatment and will find itself on the big screen.
According to reports, the classic beat ’em up video game Streets of Rage will be the next video game from SEGA that to be tuned into a film. The deal has not been finalized, but word on the video game and movie streets is that John Wick creator Derek Kolstad has penned the script, and if you have seen any of the John Wick movies that feature Keanu Reeves, as the titular character, the action is always on point. Sonic The Hedgehog producers dj2 Entertainment and Escape Artists are set to produce.
Based on these developments, this film version of the iconic video game is already off to a good start. Streets of Rage, also known as Bare Knuckle, became an instant hit with SEGA Genesis owners when it arrived in the 1990s. It would go on to spawn two more games on the 16-bit console. In Streets of Rage, players take control of three ex-cops turned vigilantes, Axel, Adam, and Rose team up to take down a criminal syndicate terrorizing a fictional American city. The game introduced a great twist at the end, allowing players to either take over the criminal organization or take it down.
After years of being in limbo, Streets of Rage 4 finally saw the light of day with Dotemu bringing the franchise to Xbox One and PS4 consoles.
Count us in as excited for this. The bomb soundtrack from the original games find itself in the movie. Just saying. That is non-negotiable. We will keep you updated as more news about the Streets of Rage movie is released.
Photo: LizardCube/Guard Crush Games / Dotemu
Tagged: entertainment blog, gaming, HHW Gaming, music blog, Newsletter, Sega, Streets of Rage 4, Tech, video games