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Hank Anuku seen Assaulting and fighting Keke driver in Asaba today 3rd of Dec 2022

Hank Anuku seen Assaulting and fighting Keke driver in Asaba today 3rd of Dec 2022

According information share on Asaba Digital Facebook page, claim that actor,Hank Anuku was seen today fighting Keke driver.

The stort read:

I promised never to speak about Uncle Hanks Anuku earlier but today I will let my guards out a little bit. I don’t agree with people hiding a certain situation about someone knowing fully well that their words or defense will only cause more damage than good.

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Verified Information ℹ️

Hanks Anuku was seen fighting and assaulting Keke riders at the front of Asaba Shopping Mall today Saturday 3rd December, 2022.

No disrespect but why are some patriotic Nollywood actors/actresses hiding his real situation from potential helpers and when he comes out of whatever it is he will debunk the claims as usual.

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If you know him very well, ask him where he was from 1pm to 2pm today??

©️Asaba Digital



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