Source: New York Daily News / Getty
Three years ago billionaire Jeffrey Epstein took his own life, likely because he couldn’t take being outed and imprisoned for being a sex trafficker and serial sex abuser of minors. In December, his girlfriend and accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, was convicted of recruiting, enticing and transporting minors to engage in illegal sex acts with Epstein, and, on Tuesday, the 60-year-old was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Besides the lengthy and well-deserved sentence, Maxwell was also ordered to pay a $750,000 fine for her role in Epstein’s crimes, according to Raw Story.
“To you, all the victims, I am sorry for the pain that you experienced,” Maxwell said in court after listening to numerous victim impact statements. “It is my sincerest wish to all those in this courtroom and to all those outside this courtroom that this day brings a terrible chapter to the end, to an end. And to those of you who spoke here today and those of you who did not, may this day help you travel from darkness into the light.”
Yeah—not a very impressive statement coming from someone who is the “darkness” that she speaks of. She said all that without so much as acknowledging what she helped do. It was a coward’s statement.
Of course, on Twitter, all anyone wants to know now, is where’s Maxwell’s client list of sex abusers.
No doubt there are a lot of people who should be on their way to prison right now behind Epstein and Maxwell’s crimes. Hopefully, the story doesn’t end here.
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