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George Clooney calls on Joe Biden to step aside and not run in 2024

George Clooney calls on Joe Biden to step aside and not run in 2024

Mere weeks after hosting a fundraiser on his behalf, George Clooney has called on Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

In an op-ed for the New York Times, Clooney says that after hosting the fundraiser for Biden, he walked away convinced that the 81-year-old president is no longer up for the job.

“The one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010,” Clooney wrote. “He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”

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“Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw,” Clooney continued. “We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign. The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, who we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.”

“Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor that I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.”


Despite his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump last month, Biden has thus far resisted calls to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. Recent polling suggests the president faces an uphill battle to defeat Trump in November, with many Democrats expressing a preference that he step aside in favor of an alternate candidate.

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