Freddie Gibbs stars as an animated version of himself in the official “Dark Hearted” music video. Directed by Aaron Hymes and Rouxx, the visual follows the cartoon Gibbs, joined by a bionic rabbit, on a nighttime chase through the city
As Gibbs races down the highway followed by his adversaries, his rabbit sidekick drops a grenade, blowing up the car behind him. Once in the clear, Gibbs pulls over to smoke a cigarette before continuing on with his mysterious mission.
“I know I took a risk with this s**t when I put my hands on it,” he raps in the second verse. “All my enemies watchin’, they plot and plan on me.”
The visual was creative directed by Ben “Lambo” Lambert, with executive production from Lambo and the rapper himself.
“Dark Hearted” arrived on Gibbs’ fifth studio album, $oul $old $eparately. A fan favorite, the hard-hitting single was produced by James Blake.
Watch the animated music video for Freddie Gibbs’ “Dark Hearted” above.
In other music news, Nicki Minaj dropped a second remix of Skeng’s “Likkle Miss” featuring The Fine Nine.
Tagged: entertainment blog, music, music blog