IN A SCENE from the 1988 comedy “Coming to America,” Eddie Murphy’s character reaches out to touch a lion-mane stole worn by King Jaffe Joffer (James Earl Jones) and exclaims, “This is beautiful! What is that, velvet?” For decades, cineastes have borrowed the line as a funny way to compliment someone’s particularly swank outfit. You might find yourself using it in earnest, however, now that highly tactile, textured fabrics are emerging as one of 2024’s most prominent trends.
Over the past year, quiet luxury replaced ostentatious logomania as the mark of aspirational style. And brands such as Prada and Phoebe Philo are turning to posh, unconventional textures as a means of standing out. This woven skirt-and-top ensemble from By Malene Birger (above) piques curiosity with chicly chaotic strands of wispy thread; 4SDesigns’ extra-nubby tweed shirt (below) achieves a 3-D effect; and Camperlab’s calf-hair loafers add a kick of interest to even the most classic ensembles. Wearing such unique fabrics is “a nice way to be seen without screaming,” said New York knitwear designer Henry Zankov. If you are confronted with such clothes, the temptation to touch will likely strike.
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