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“Florida Man” Trump Announces 2024 Bid, Gets Clowned

“Florida Man” Trump Announces 2024 Bid, Gets Clowned
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Source: The Washington Post / Getty

Former President Donald Trump announced his intent to run for the office in 2024, but it was met with some notable derision and an absence of support from the New York Post.

As expected, the former twice-impeached commander-in-chief held a press event on Tuesday night (November 15th) at his Mar-A-Lago club complex in Palm Beach, Florida to announce that he would be running for president in 2024. “I am announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” he said. “America’s comeback starts right now,” he continued flanked by large American flags, claiming, “Your country is being destroyed before your eyes.”

The announcement and official filing had been anticipated, but there seems to be growing Trump fatigue among those supporting the GOP with the New York Post leading the way. The front cover of their paper on Wednesday morning only mentioned the filing as “Florida Man Makes Announcement” at the bottom. The coverage was relegated to page 26 in a sidebar.

Some on social media delighted in the slight given to the former president by the tabloid. Observers noted that it’s a clear sign that the paper and its owner, Rupert Murdoch are over Trump. They were joined by the conservative National Review which published an editorial dismissing the move with a one-word headline of “No”, with scathing quotes citing the announcement as “an invitation to double down on the outrages and failures of the last several years that Republicans should reject without hesitation or doubt.”

The GOP and its supporters are still dealing with the repercussions of their losses in the 2022 midterm elections last week. Many of the Trump-backed candidates were soundly defeated at the polls, which has led to the Senate being in Democratic control and the House of Representatives projected to be a slim majority for Republicans instead of a larger one. According to reports, out of the 64 House races that were toss-ups or favoring one party or the other, Trump endorsed 21 candidates – only seven won. The 2024 bid for office by Trump also comes as he faces multiple legal challenges and the final report on his role in the January 6th insurrection by the House Select committee. He also announces his campaign as the Republican Party is poised to make Florida Governor Ron DeSantis the frontrunner for their 2024 Presidential nominee.

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