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Engaged, informed boards the much needed lever for corporate success

Engaged, informed boards the much needed lever for corporate success

Engaged, informed boards the much needed lever for corporate success


Today’s directors must be more engaged, shrewd, enterprising, more numerate and more technically competent than ever. PHOTO | SHUTTERSTOCK

The last two decades are littered with examples of challenged and even disgraced corporations. Boeing, Enron, General Electric, Kmart, the Weinstein Company, to mention but a few. There are many Kenyan examples as well. Each round of unflattering headlines about corporations and their leaders prompts a set of reasonable and justifiable questions and opprobrium: What exactly are the boards of directors doing?

Yet for every corporation attracting headlines for the wrong reasons, there are numerous others quietly thriving as their boards and management strive to do the right thing. By helping to create economic growth, corporations contribute to the betterment of society in many ways. They, among other benefits, create jobs, contributing to worker’s livelihoods and counteracting poverty.

They also provide a tax base that contributes to the fiscal health of governments. Just as corporate success lifts society, corporate failure has the potential to sap its vitality. To the average person, the board’s job might seem unclear or even superfluous. Board members are seen as having all the upside – prestige and board fees – and very little downside.

The opposite is actually true. While management operates the corporation on a day-to-day basis, in the words of Dambisa Moyo, it is the board’s responsibility to look on from forty thousand feet.

At its meeting, the board should ask questions about whether the leadership is innovating enough, hiring the right people, and building the best management team, and whether the corporation is growing its customer base and beating the competition and whether its operations are aligned to the latest corporate strategy.

The board must look beyond compliance and ticking the boxes but work towards securing a competitive advantage. The board should be even more actively engaged when the corporation is not doing well, otherwise, it would be a case of Nero fiddling as Rome burns.

The Kenya Companies Act, 2015 expressly provides that in executing their responsibilities and duties directors must endeavour to promote the success of the company. This encompasses putting into consideration the corporate value or long-term success of the company and other stakeholder interests. They must exercise independent judgment in their execution of duties; apply reasonable care, skill and diligence to their tasks and avoid conflict of interest.

In the words of Jim Leng, former chairman, of Corus Group, the day of the gifted amateur is long gone. Board membership is not about receiving hefty allowances or remuneration for mediocrity. It is not about filling the boardroom with people who will be rubber stamps or pliable tools in the hands of executives.

Today’s directors must be more engaged, shrewd, enterprising, more numerate and more technically competent than ever. In the current environment defined by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), we need corporate boards that deliver; boards with purpose; visionary and agile boards ready to promote corporate success, embrace stewardship, sustainability, accountability, transparency, integrity, prosperity and public good.

The writer is a Legal Counsel and a Certified Public Private Partnerships (CP3P) Professional. [email protected]

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