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Employee recognition:The underrated productivity fuel

Employee recognition:The underrated productivity fuel
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Employee recognition:The underrated productivity fuel


Improved customer satisfaction is another boon from employee applause. When employees are given enough kudos it becomes contagious. FILE PHOTO | SHUTTERSTOCK

Do you sincerely practice the power of appreciation and recognition of those around you? In most instances, we are very stingy in using this readily available resource.

Recently I did a short course provided by a Dale Carnegie franchise in Kenya. The entire course is dubbed Success Factors. One of the principles we were taught is the principle of giving honest and sincere appreciation to those around us.

It means acknowledging the contributions of everyone. The principle is that the appreciator has to be very specific and has to show relevance to the employee’s positive feedback.

Everyone is important. Everyone matters in the workspace.

Employee recognition is the fuel that can propel one to admirable performance; however, it is underutilised and much underrated.

A study conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that 89 percent of employees who feel valued at work are more likely to put in extra effort, and 92 percent are more likely to recommend their organisation to others.

Lack of recognition is dangerous because it can negatively affect performance and endanger work relations.

What are some of the employee appreciation programmes that can transform performance beyond transactional relationships?

The employee of Month/Quarter/Year is one of the easily doable so as long as there are discernible metrics.

Peer-to-Peer recognition is where an organisation has a policy of letting employees appreciate fellow employees from their own perspectives. It can be done anonymously.

For the staff that stay in the organisation for long, they can be rewarded through longevity awards. These are meant to boost loyalty. Talent acquisition is a taxing and expensive function.

Team recognition awards can be given to teams that exhibit collaboration in producing the desired outcomes. The best-performing teams can be bestowed accolades using certain metrics and analytics.

Performance-Based Bonuses are related to performance management conversations. Employees who score beyond expectations can be rewarded with certain agreed presents.

Employee appreciation events. This is a ceremony where various awards are given in various categories. One of the teachings of Dale Carnegie is the celebration of milestones.

Human resource strategists have now considered employee wellness programmes as one of the predictors and determiners of corporate hygiene and indicators of a sustainable bottom line.

Recognition can also be exemplified through having clear employee development opportunities. Having policies and budgets that rigorously and consistently promote career progression can go a long way in promoting employee recognition.

Sales are highly competitive arenas. Salaries alone cannot motivate sales person to exceptional performance. That is why it is important to have other appreciation mechanisms for those who surpass sales through sales achievement awards.

Innovation awards can be given to employees who think outside the box to generate fresh products and services.

Customer service awards can be given to employees who consistently provide exceptional customer service, receive positive feedback from customers, or go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

Employees who exhibit exceptional leadership qualities and applications can be accorded leadership awards.

Exemplary leaders who lead teams and hit their targets in a consistent fashion can be bestowed awards.

People treasure awards very much. Strategists can take advantage of this phenomenon to boost performance.

All products need to be produced through observation of the highest performance. That is why it is important to reward individuals who contribute towards exceptional standards. Having Quality Awards will trigger high-quality standards

Why should leaders invest in employee records programmes? Why should time and money be spent on employee recognition programmes?

Well-recognised employees are more driven and engaged. Engagement drives more productivity. That is why it is strategically important to promote involvement and participation.

It increases vision and mission ownership. There is a verifiable link between motivation, morale and high productivity.

A consistent recognition practice will positively elevate job satisfaction and retention. Awarding employees because of a particular form of excellence will lead to job enjoyment and also reduce attrition rates.

Employee Engagement Score is a metric that measures the depth and level of employee commitment and enthusiasm to their work.

This score can be upgraded where there are proper recognition activities.

Improved Morale and spirit de corps is another merit that can be gained from sufficient employee recognition strategies.

Enhanced performance and quality of work can be gained through employee appreciation programs.

Strengthened employer brand is another by-product of employee celebration programs. This is the power of having a positive image.

When an organization does good to its employees it tends to attract and retain both external and internal customers. The external and internal customers become the brand ambassadors of the organization.

This can be realized through adequate employee commendation.

Improved customer satisfaction is another boon from employee applause. When employees are given enough kudos it becomes contagious.

The employees spread the good news to all stakeholders.

Employee valorization blueprints can transform an organization’s fortunes.

Magoma is an HR specialist and trainer. [email protected]

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