Earlier this month Electric Forest organizers released a critical update about the fate of the 2021 edition of the beloved Rothbury music festival. Addressing the uncertainty of the pandemic, they stated that if the event were to happen this year, it would be in August, offering a glimmer of hope for prospective festival-goers.
Despite ongoing efforts to make the four-day experience happen, it has been officially announced today that there will be no gathering at Electric Forest this year. In an official statement, organizers explained that “postponing to 2022 is our only course of action” due to COVID-19 concerns.
For current pass-holders, it is important to note that the timeline to determine whether or not you want a refund or a ticket transfer to 2022 is much shorter this year. According to the statement, the deadline to respond to this request is 11:59PM ET on Monday, May 10th. There is only a 14-day window to respond to the email, whereas last year there was a month.
You can read the full statement from the Electric Forest team below.
Greetings Forest Family –
After a tumultuous year full of challenges, HQ has eagerly anticipated and worked towards our collective return to Electric Forest. However, as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have continued, it has become clear that we are not going to be able to gather in 2021 and that postponing to 2022 is our only course of action.
While we all miss each other tremendously and can’t wait to connect again, the safety of the Forest Family and the community that hosts us remains of utmost importance. This must be kept front of mind, along with the meticulous planning and coordination required to coordinate and rpoduce our time together each summer in Rothbury. We must balance our optimism with realism – and we must respect the process in place, the efforts underway, and the sacrifices we’ve all made over the last year in an effort to keep each other safe.
We are eternally thankful to the entire Forest Family for the patience, planning, and determination shown over the last year. Having to postpone again is a special kind of heartache, and one which will only be healed when we are together again in 2022.
With this news comes two options for members of the Forest Family that currently hold Electric Forest Wristband(s) & Lodging Packages:
– Retain your Wristband(s) & Lodging Packages for Electric Forest, Summer 2022
– Submit for a refund (including fees)
Wristband(s) & Lodging Package Purchasers will be contacted via email within the coming days. Keep an eye out for an email from Festival Ticketing or from our Official Wristband Exchange partner LYTE (depending on where you purchased from) outlining refund and retainment options. You will have fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the email to respond with your choice. The deadline to respond to this request is 11:59 PM Eastern on Monday, May 10.Please read the below FAQ’s for more detailed information. As always, reaching out to info@electricforestfestival.com is the preferred avenue for further assistance.
Given the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, Electric Forest 2022 dates will be announced when full clarity can be achieved with respect to all aspects of planning. While we all remain eager to make plans, a patient mindset will ultimately reward us. HQ looks forward to updating everyone as more details become available.
We are stronger as a community than we are as individuals. Knowing that we will all gather in 2022 is a bright spark and a guiding light – and we will build our moment together.
– Forest HQ
For more information regarding refunds and exchanges, head over to the official Electric Forest website.
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