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Eagle Network teams revealed When to release it Blockchain

Eagle Network teams revealed When to release it Blockchain

Eagle Network, eagle tokens is new cryptocurrency with a very huge potential to breakout soon.

Native tokens of eagle Network, EAN and EGON was Listed for sales on the 29th of January 2022.

The tokens was launch and Listed on Binance Blockchain.

Just like Binance was launch on Ethereum Blockchain few years ago, EAN and it EGON was launch on Binance Blockchain.

The Tokens can be swap with Binance Smart Chain.

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The teams behind eagle Network, are highly skilled programmers, that have launch several Games program on Playstore.

The listing of the Token is the beginning and revolution of EAN.

In AMA hosted today on the telegram channel of the Eagle Network, the team behind the project revealed that Eagle Network Blockchain will be out later this year.

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