Source: Richard Baker / Getty
Donald Trump and toilet in the same sentence make all the sense in the world.
Hillary Clinton must be somewhere laughing her a** off following reports that disgraced former President Donald Trump clogged White House toilets trying to dispose of documents, a claim he denies, of course. New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman dropped explosive claims of Trump’s alleged document dump (pun intended), including “damaging government documents” in her new investigative book, Confidence Man.
“Staff believ(ed) Trump had flushed material he’d ripped into pieces,” Haberman wrote in a tweet. The paper towel-throwing clown shut down the reports calling them “categorically untrue.”
“Another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book,” Trump said, as expected.
According to reports, Trump, who loved to speak about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her purging of her “salacious emails” during his rallies, regularly tore up government documents. If that is the case, that is a direct violation of the Presidential Records Act, which states explicitly that all records be kept for the historical record. Clinton chimed in on the matter on Twitter in a quote rt pointing to how noticeably quiet Republicans are Trump ripping government documents.
It is also being reported that Trump took several boxes of presidential records, which may have included confidential records, including his Kim Jong Un “love letters,” while packing up his things to leave the White House. The National Archives has asked the Justice Department to look into whether or not Trump broke any laws.
Trump denied any wrongdoing in the matter, claiming, “The papers were given easily and without conflict and on a very friendly basis,” in a statement.
Trump’s fascination with low-flow toilets and complaining about having to flush 10-15 times is well known, and this story could explain why it exists, maybe because he has a penchant for flushing evidence.
As expected, there are plenty of reactions to Trump flushing more than just turds down the White House toilets. You can peep them in the gallery below.
Photo: Richard Baker / Getty
1. The jokes write themselves sometimes.
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