The latest installment of Demon Slayer’s TV anime, the Swordsmith Village Arc just had premiered over the weekend. On the following day, an announcement was posted on the official website confirming the news that the Entertainment District Arc will receive a live-action stage adaption.
The first stage play for Demon Slayer debuted back in January 2020 in Tokyo and was welcomed with good reception. In succession, two more stage plays based on the popular manga have been produced — Kizuna in 2021, and the Mugen Train Arc in 2022.
In the new stage adaptation, Shogo Sakamoto will play the hero, Tanjiro Kamado, while Karen Takahashi, Keisuke Ueda, and Yugo Sato will reprise their roles as Nezuko Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibara. While the glamorous fan-favorite Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui will be played by Ryoshiro Tsuji. It’s also announced that Kenichi Suemitsu will scribe and direct the latest Demon Slayer stage adaption.
Although official dates have yet to be announced, it’s confirmed that Demon Slayer’s Entertainment District Arc stage play will run throughout November and December in Osaka and Tokyo. For those who are interested, keep an eye out on the show’s official website for updates.
【新作公演決定!】#舞台鬼滅の刃 其ノ肆 遊郭潜入
2023年11・12月 大阪・東京にて上演!脚本・演出:末満健一
音楽 :和田俊輔出演:
竈門炭治郎 阪本奨悟
竈門禰?豆子 髙橋かれん我妻善逸 植田圭輔
嘴平伊之助 佐藤祐吾宇髄天元 辻 凌志朗
— 舞台「鬼滅の刃」公式 (@kimetsu_stage) April 10, 2023
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