And on the third night of Hanukkah, Dave Grohl donned a smoking jacket and offered up his best Barry Manilow impersonation. Yes, for the latest installment in their ongoing covers song series, Grohl and Greg Kurstin gave a nod to “mega-mensch” Manilow with a loungy rendition of “Copacabana.”
“Barry Pincus – not only one of the greatest songwriters of the 20th (or any) century, but a mega-mensch to boot!” wrote Grohl and Kurstin to introduce their cover. “So, like a good neighbor, you deserve a break today. So grab a bucket of chicken and let’s get stuck on…. @barrymanilow’s “Copacabana”!
In the accompanying video, Grohl pulls double duty (and sports two different smoking jackets) as he both sings and sits behind the kit. Super producer Kurtstin, meanwhile, plays keyboard and bongos. Watch below.
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For the second year running, Grohl and Kurstin are celebrating Hanukkah by covering songs made famous by Jewish artists. They kicked things off with an utterly delightful cover of Lisa Loeb’s “Stay (I Missed You),” which they followed up on Monday by taking on Ramones’ classic “Blitzkrieg Bop.”
Speaking of “Copacabana,” that’s also the pre-sale code for Foo Fighters’ upcoming gig at Merriweather Post Pavilion — one of 17 new shows announced by the band on Tuesday. You can find tickets to the band’s 2022 dates here.
Barry Pincus – not only one of the greatest songwriters of the 20th (or any) century, but a mega-mensch to boot!
AdvertisementSo, like a good neighbor, you deserve a break today. So grab a bucket of chicken and let’s get stuck on…..
@barrymanilow‘s “Copacabana”! pic.twitter.com/HkfuPuSpZ0— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) November 30, 2021