On Sunday, Dave Grohl and Greg Kurstin released an utterly delightful cover of Lisa Loeb’s “Stay (I Missed You)” to kick off the second installment of their Hanukkah cover songs series. For night number two, the kids will be losin’ their minds to Grohl and Kurstin’s take on “Blitzkrieg Bop.”
“Once upon a time, two nice Jewish boys from Queens named Jeffery Hyman and Thomas Erdelyi changed the world forever with their music… as Joey and Tommy Ramone!” wrote Grohl and Kurstin. GABBAI GABBAI HEY! Ladies and gentlemen… It’s the @RamonesOfficial! Blitzkrieg Bop!”
This time around, Grohl opted for blue jeans and a straight-forwarded performance video, as he and Kurstin run through the punk classic in their performance space. In fitting with the theme of the series, however, Grohl does alter the song’s iconic chant to go, “Hey, oy! Let’s goy!” Watch it below.
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The inaugural edition of Grohl and Kurstin’s Hanukkah Sessions saw them cover songs by Beastie Boys (“Sabotage”), Drake (“Hotline Bling”), Mountain (“Mississippi Queen”), Peaches (“Fuck the Pain Away”), Bob Dylan (“Rainy Day Women #12 & 35”), Elastica (“Connection”), The Knack (“Frustrated”), and The Velvet Underground (“Rock and Roll”).
Once upon a time, two nice Jewish boys from Queens named Jeffery Hyman and Thomas Erdelyi changed the world forever with their music….. as Joey and Tommy Ramone!
Ladies and gentlemen….It’s the @RamonesOfficial!
AdvertisementBlitzkreig Bop!#HanukkahSessions #Hanukkah pic.twitter.com/fLYrh4HmeX
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) November 29, 2021