Following its successful debut at this year’s London Film Festival, the new thriller The Kitchen — co-directed by Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares — is landing on Netflix next month. And to give viewers a real feel for the soon-to-be-released movie, the trailer has now surfaced online.
Written by Kaluuya and Joe Murtagh, The Kitchen is set in a dystopian London, where the gap between the rich and the poor has been stretched to its limits. This means that all forms of social housing have been eradicated and only “The Kitchen” remains — a location that over time, has built a solid community, one that refuses to move out of the place they call home.
At this point in the story, Izi (Kane Robinson), the story’s protagonist, is living by necessity and desperately trying to find a way out, while 12-year-old Benji (Jedaiah Bannerman), who has lost his mother and is searching for his mother, form an unlikely bond as the pair struggle to forge a relationship in a system that is undoubtedly stacked against them.
You can check out the official trailer for The Kitchen above and it will be available to watch in its entirety via Netflix from January 19.