Welcome to Blade City, a full-service dystopia resort. Blade City is a dangerous, fast-moving world where hackers, hustlers, and streetfighters live in the shadow of the evil corporation Xoxl. As the Hospitality Manager at Xoxl, it’s your job to keep Blade City dirty and antisocial — a hip, gritty vacation from a soul-numbing late capitalist reality. Are you ready? (link:”CLOCK INTO WORK”)[(goto:”Grittiness Tutorial”)] </div>{
(set:$Tutorial to 2)
(display:”Name Arrays”) (set:$FundsFont to (css:”font-size:20px;font-family:’Vox’,sans-serif;font-color:#ffffff;”))
(set:$MenuFont to (css:”font-size:15px;”))
(set:$Expensive to (css:”color:#ff9999;”))
(set:$BigTitle to (css:”font-size:25px;color:#00ff00;”))
(set:$Title to (css:”color:#00ff00;”)) (set:$SpecialAlert to false) (set:$Day to 1)
(set:$Revenue to 300)
(set:$InfRevenue to 0)
(set:$LicRevenue to 0)
(set:$ImmersionRating to 30) (set:$LocGritty to (dm: “nightalley”,45, “chrometown”,53, “crystalabattoir”,25
(set:$RaiseGrit to (dm: “nightalley”,5, “chrometown”,3, “crystalabattoir”,10
(set:$LocPop to (dm: “nightalley”,50, “chrometown”,30, “crystalabattoir”,40
(set:$LocMaxPop to (dm: “nightalley”,100, “chrometown”,50, “crystalabattoir”,75
(set:$LocDuesMod to (dm: “nightalley”,1, “chrometown”,1, “crystalabattoir”,1
(set:$LocDues to (dm: “nightalley”,($LocPop’s nightalley * $LocDuesMod’s nightalley), “chrometown”,($LocPop’s chrometown * $LocDuesMod’s chrometown), “crystalabattoir”,($LocPop’s crystalabattoir * $LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir)
(set:$LocPopChange to (dm: “nightalley”,0, “chrometown”,0, “crystalabattoir”,0
)) (set:$TotalPop to ($LocPop’s nightalley + $LocPop’s chrometown + $LocPop’s crystalabattoir))
(set:$MaxPop to ($LocMaxPop’s nightalley + $LocMaxPop’s chrometown + $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir))
(set:$DuesRevenue to $LocDues’s nightalley + $LocDues’s chrometown + $LocDues’s crystalabattoir)
(set:$TotalGritty to ((round:($LocGritty’s nightalley + $LocGritty’s chrometown + $LocGritty’s crystalabattoir)/ 3))) (set:$GritFlagGreen to (text-color:”#66ff33″))
(set:$GritFlagYellow to (text-color:”yellow”))
(set:$GritFlagOrange to (text-color:”orange”))
(set:$GritFlagRed to (text-color:”red”)) (set:$ChrometownGritFloor to 0)
(set:$CrystalAbattoirGritFloor to 0) (set:$StartGritty to $LocGritty)
(set:$StartImmerse to $ImmersionRating)
(set:$StartPop to $TotalPop)
(set:$DayDrugs to (a:))
(set:$DayGuns to (a:))
(set:$DayIce to 0) (set:$AddTech to 50)
(set:$DevDrugs to (a:))
(set:$DevGuns to (a:))
(set:$LicDrug to (dm: “Min”,10, “Max”,15, “Upfront”,100
(set:$LicGun to (dm: “Min”,10, “Max”,15, “Upfront”,100
)) (set:$AddIce to 50)
(set:$IceLayers to 2)
(set:$InvTimer to 0)
(set:$SimWarn to “inactive”) (set:$RevengeTimer to 0) (set:$BuildingCount to 2)
(set:$BuildingMaster to (a:”Straylight Memorial Tower”,”To The Stars!!!”,”The Citadel”))
(set:$BuildingInactive to $BuildingMaster)
(set:$BuildingActive to (a:)) (set:$AdLocation to (dm: “nightalley”,”None”, “chrometown”,”None”, “crystalabattoir”,”None”
(set:$AdCountdown to (dm: “cheapside”,0, “nightalley”,0, “chrometown”,0, “operahouse”,0, “crystalabattoir”,0
(set:$AdPrice to (dm: “cheapside”,0, “nightalley”,0, “chrometown”,0, “operahouse”,0, “crystalabattoir”,0
(set:$AdRatesNA to (dm: “Min”,20, “Max”,30, “Modifier”,1, “PopMod”,0
(set:$AdRatesCT to (dm: “Min”,20, “Max”,30, “Modifier”,1, “PopMod”,0
(set:$AdRatesCA to (dm: “Min”,20, “Max”,30, “Modifier”,1, “PopMod”,0
(set:$AdMin to 20)
(set:$AdMax to 30)
(set:$AdMinNA to 20)
(set:$AdMaxNA to 30)
(set:$AdMinCT to 20)
(set:$AdMaxCT to 30)
(set:$AdMinCA to 20)
(set:$AdMaxCA to 30)
(set:$AdModifier to 1) (display:”City Upgrades”)
(display:”Tech Upgrades”)
(display:”ICE Upgrades”)
(display:”Ad Upgrades”)
(display:”Corp Upgrades”)
(display:”Special Upgrades”)
(display:”Gang Upgrades”)
}{ (display:”Home Cleanup”)
}<div class=”menu”>[(display:”Section Header”)]</div><div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><h1>DAY (print:$Day)</h1></div><div class=”vl”></div> </div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-stats”> <p>Total Funds: (print:$Revenue) nanits</p> <p> Residents: (print:$TotalPop) / (print:$MaxPop)</p> </div> <div class=”top-row-stats”> <p> Overall Grittiness: (print:$TotalGritty)%</p> <p> Daily Revenue: (print:$DuesRevenue + $InfRevenue + $LicRevenue) nanits</p> </div> </div> </div>
</div>(if:$Tutorial is 2)[(display:”Start Home Display”)](else-if:$Tutorial is 1)[(display:”Mid Home Display”)](else:)[(display:”Full Home Display”)]
(set:$AdCampaign to (shuffled: …$AdCampaign))
(set:$Camp1Cost to ((random:$AdRates’s Min,$AdRates’s Max)*($AdRates’s Modifier * $AdRates’s PopMod)))
(set:$Camp2Cost to ((random:$AdRates’s Min,$AdRates’s Max)*($AdRates’s Modifier * $AdRates’s PopMod)))
(set:$Camp3Cost to ((random:$AdRates’s Min,$AdRates’s Max)*($AdRates’s Modifier * $AdRates’s PopMod)))
}<div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img alt=”ADS” src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154251/cyberpunkland_ADS.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-ADS”>ADS</div></div><div class=”vl”></div> </div>
<div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div> </div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>Omnipresent advertising is theoretically part of any good dystopian future. Unfortunately, Xoxl has to run ads for actual products from outside Blade City. These campaigns will damage the city’s gritty atmosphere. You are placing a campaign in (if:$InfLoc is “Night Alley”)[Night Alley — hangout for hustlers and pleasurehounds, an Amigara cliff that twists tech and humanity alike to fit its streets (Current Grittiness: (print:$LocGritty’s nightalley)%).](else-if:$InfLoc is “Chrometown”)[Chrometown — host to the meat prisons of the console cowboys, while their true forms aren’t jacked into cyberspace dreams (Current Grittiness: (print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)%).](else-if:$InfLoc is “Crystal Abattoir”)[the Crystal Abattoir — a neon pit of horrorshow ultraviolence, its denizens’ hearts pounding to the applause of bloodthirsty crowds (Current Grittiness: (print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)%).] Accept a bid for a 2-day influence campaign from: (link:”(print:$AdCampaign’s 1) – (print:$Camp1Cost) nanits/day”)[(set:$CampCost to $Camp1Cost)(set:$CampaignActive to $AdCampaign’s 1)(goto:”Confirm Influence”)] (link:”(print:$AdCampaign’s 2) – (print:$Camp2Cost) nanits/day”)[(set:$CampCost to $Camp2Cost)(set:$CampaignActive to $AdCampaign’s 2)(goto:”Confirm Influence”)] (link:”(print:$AdCampaign’s 3) – (print:$Camp3Cost) nanits/day”)[(set:$CampCost to $Camp3Cost)(set:$CampaignActive to $AdCampaign’s 3)(goto:”Confirm Influence”)]
(if:$LuxuryAds’s Active is true and $InfLoc is “Chrometown”)[
(display:”Luxury Ads”)
</div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img alt=”R&D” src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154258/cyberpunkland_R_D.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-RD”>R&D</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>*Blade City technology runs at the pace of a bleachfreak’s pulse and a street samurai’s trigger finger. And all that tech flows straight from Xoxl’s ice-cold veins.* Xoxl develops drugs and weapons in its internal laboratories. It then allows them to be stolen and sold to black-market dealers in Night Alley, creating a grittier ecosystem for streetwise hustlers. Night Alley’s current grittiness stands at (print:$LocGritty’s nightalley)%. (if:$Revenue >= $AddTech)[(if:$TechDivisions’s Active is false)[(link:”Tech harder!!! – (print:$AddTech) nanits”)[(goto:”Generate Tech”)]](else:)[(link:”Give me drugs!!! – (print:$AddTech) nanits”)[(set:$GenType to 1)(goto:”Generate Tech”)] (link:”Give me violence!!! – (print:$AddTech) nanits”)[(set:$GenType to 2)(goto:”Generate Tech”)]]](else:)[You need (print:$AddTech) nanits to tech.] (if:$ShowLocUpgrades is true)[(display:”List Tech Upgrades”)]</div>
</div><div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154258/cyberpunkland_R_D.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-RD”>R&D</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div></div> </div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>{
(set:$DrugList to (shuffled:…$DrugList))
(set:$DrugSuffix to (shuffled:…$DrugSuffix))
(set:$GunList to (shuffled:…$GunList))
(set:$GunPrefix to (shuffled:…$GunPrefix))
(set:$Revenue to it – $AddTech)
(if:$TechDivisions’s Active is false)[(set:$GenType to (random:1,2))]
(set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to it + $RaiseGrit’s nightalley)
(if:$GenType is 1)[ (set:$TechPiece to $DrugList’s 1) (set:$TechNameAdd to $DrugSuffix’s 1) (if:$DevDrugs contains $TechPiece)[ (set:$TechName to “(print:$TechPiece) (print:$TechNameAdd)”) ](else:)[(set:$TechName to “(print:$TechPiece)”)] (set:$TotalDrugs to it + 1) (set:$DevDrugs to it + (a:$TechPiece)) (set:$DayDrugs to it + (a:”(print:$TechName)”))]
(else-if:$GenType is 2)[ (if:$HireTacticool’s Active is true)[ (set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to it + 10)] (set:$TechPiece to $GunList’s 1) (set:$TechNameAdd to $GunPrefix’s 1) (if:$DevGuns contains $TechPiece)[ (set:$TechName to “(print:$TechNameAdd) (print:$TechPiece)”) ](else:)[(set:$TechName to “(print:$TechPiece)”)] (set:$TotalGuns to it + 1) (set:$DevGuns to it + (a:$TechPiece)) (set:$DayGuns to it + (a:”(print:$TechName)”)) ]
Congratulations! You have spent (print:$AddTech) nanits and developed a (if:$GenType is 1)[DRUG](else:)[WEAPON]: $BigTitle[(print:$TechName)] Grittiness in Night Alley will increase by (if:$GenType is 2 and $HireTacticool’s Active is true)[(print:$RaiseGrit’s nightalley + 10)](else:)[(print:$RaiseGrit’s nightalley)]%. (if:$MonetizeTech’s Active is true)[(display:”Generate License”)] (link:”Send it to the streets”)[(set:$AddTech to it * 2)(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img alt=”ICE” src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154254/cyberpunkland_ICE.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-ICE”>ICE</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[|revenue>[(print:$Revenue)]] nanits</div> </div> </div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>*Chrometown’s coffin hotels play host to the meat prisons of the console cowboys. They haunt the bars hanging careless expressions on little-used faces, dreaming only of cyberspace.* A layer of Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics or ICE will increase the grittiness of Chrometown and provide Blade City’s console cowboys with hours of highly unrealistic simulated hacking. Chrometown’s current grittiness stands at |grit>[(print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)]%. Adding ICE will raise grittiness by (print:$RaiseGrit’s chrometown)%. ICE Mk. I layers: |layers>[(if:$IceLayers < 2 and $LoseICE’s Active is true and $RepairICE’s Active is false)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$IceLayers)]](else:)[(print:$IceLayers)]] |addice>[(display:”Add Layer Link”)](if:$SellICE’s Active is true)[ |sellice>[(display:”Sell ICE Link”)]] |upgrades>[(if:$ShowLocUpgrades is true)[(display:”List ICE Upgrades”)]]</div>
</div>(if:$Revenue >= $AddIce)[(link:”Add layer – (print:$AddIce) nanits”)[(set:$Revenue to it – $AddIce)(replace:?revenue)[(print:$Revenue)](set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it + $RaiseGrit’s chrometown)(if:$LocGritty’s chrometown > 100)[(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to 100)](set:$IceLayers to it + 1)(set:$DayIce to it + 1)(set:$TotalICE to it + 1)(replace:?layers)[(print:$IceLayers)](set:$AddIce to it * 2)(replace:?grit)[(print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)](replace:?addice)[(display:”Add Layer Link”)]](replace:?upgrades)[(if:$ShowLocUpgrades is true)[(display:”List ICE Upgrades”)]](if:$IceLayers > 5 and $SellICE’s Active is true)[(replace:?sellice)[(display:”Sell ICE Link”)]]](else:)[Your coders refuse to work this week for less than (print:$AddIce) nanits.](set:$LocPopChange to (dm: “nightalley”,0, “chrometown”,0, “crystalabattoir”,0
))<div class=”specialbox”>Night falls on Blade City like acid rain on filthy asphalt.
(display:”Population Shift”) $Title[Blade City: (print:$TotalGritty)% Overall Grittiness] (set:$TotalPop to $LocPop’s nightalley + $LocPop’s chrometown + $LocPop’s crystalabattoir)Your city’s population has (if:$StartPop < $TotalPop)[grown by (print:$TotalPop – $StartPop) to (print:$TotalPop)](else-if:$StartPop > $TotalPop)[shrunk by (print:$StartPop – $TotalPop) to (print:$TotalPop)](else:)[remained at (print:$TotalPop)] residents. (link:”AND THE DAYS NEVER END”)[(goto:”Start Period”)] </div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img alt=”GANGS” src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154252/cyberpunkland_gangs.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-GANGS”>GANGS</div></div><div class=”vl”></div> </div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div> </div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>*Gangs are like wildfires: vital yet destructive. Their members prowl the Crystal Abattoir with sharp sharks’ smiles, locked in fierce feuds for reasons that even they no longer recall.* Blade City’s gangs must be kept occupied at all times to stop members from taking up non-gritty pastimes like knitting or peacefully talking through their differences.
(if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir > 100)[(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to 100)]
The Crystal Abattoir currently has (print:$GangCount) active gang(if:$GangCount > 1)[s], and its grittiness is at (print:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir)%. (print:$Gang1’s Name) are (print:$Gang1’s Activity) (if:$Gang1’s Activity is “Bored”)[(link:”Entertain them!!!”)[(set:$GangPick to 1)(set:$GangChoice’s Choice to $Gang1)(goto:”Gang Orders”)]](unless:$Gang2’s Name is “None”)[ (print:$Gang2’s Name) are (print:$Gang2’s Activity) (if:$Gang2’s Activity is “Bored”)[(link:”Entertain them!!!”)[(set:$GangPick to 2)(set:$GangChoice’s Choice to $Gang2)(goto:”Gang Orders”)]]](unless:$Gang3’s Name is “None”)[ (print:$Gang3’s Name) are (print:$Gang3’s Activity) (if:$Gang3’s Activity is “Bored”)[(link:”Entertain them!!!”)[(set:$GangPick to 3)(set:$GangChoice’s Choice to $Gang3)(goto:”Gang Orders”)]]](unless:$Gang4’s Name is “None”)[ (print:$Gang4’s Name) are (print:$Gang4’s Activity) (if:$Gang4’s Activity is “Bored”)[(link:”Entertain them!!!”)[(set:$GangPick to 4)(set:$GangChoice’s Choice to $Gang4)(goto:”Gang Orders”)]]](unless:$Gang5’s Name is “None”)[ (print:$Gang5’s Name) are (print:$Gang5’s Activity) (if:$Gang5’s Activity is “Bored”)[(link:”Entertain them!!!”)[(set:$GangPick to 5)(set:$GangChoice’s Choice to $Gang5)(goto:”Gang Orders”)]]] (if:$ShowLocUpgrades is true)[(display:”List Gang Upgrades”)]</div>(if:$TotalPop < 1)[(goto:”Lose Pop”)](else-if:$LoseICE’s Active is true and $RepairICE’s Active is false and $IceLayers is 1)[(goto:”Lose ICE”)]<div class=”specialbox”>{
(set:$Day to it + 1)
(set:$LocDues to (dm: “nightalley”,($LocPop’s nightalley * $LocDuesMod’s nightalley), “chrometown”,($LocPop’s chrometown * $LocDuesMod’s chrometown), “crystalabattoir”,($LocPop’s crystalabattoir * $LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir)
)) (set:$TotalPop to $LocPop’s nightalley + $LocPop’s chrometown + $LocPop’s crystalabattoir) (set:$DuesRevenue to ($LocDues’s nightalley + $LocDues’s chrometown + $LocDues’s crystalabattoir)) (set:$LostIce to 1)
(set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to it – (random:1,10))
(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it – (random:1,10))
(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it – (random:1,10))
(set:$Revenue to it + $InfRevenue + $DuesRevenue + $LicRevenue)
(set:$IceLayers to it – $LostIce)
(if:$IceLayers < 0)[(set:$IceLayers to 0)]
(if:$RepairICE’s Active is true)[(set:$IceLayers to it + 1)]
(if:$IntelICE’s Active is true)[(set:$IceLayers to it + 1)]
(set:$AddIce to 50)
(set:$AddTech to 50) (set:$AdRatesNA’s PopMod to (round:$LocPop’s nightalley * 0.02))
(if:$AdRatesNA’s PopMod < 1)[(set:$AdRatesNA’s PopMod to 1)]
(set:$AdRatesCT’s PopMod to (round:$LocPop’s chrometown * 0.02))
(if:$AdRatesCT’s PopMod < 1)[(set:$AdRatesCT’s PopMod to 1)]
(set:$AdRatesCA’s PopMod to (round:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir * 0.02))
(if:$AdRatesCA’s PopMod < 1)[(set:$AdRatesCA’s PopMod to 1)] (if:$Gang1’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang2’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang3’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang4’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang5’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!”)[ (set:$AdRatesCA’s Modifier to it * 0.5) ]
(set:$Gang1’s Activity to “Bored”)
(set:$Gang2’s Activity to “Bored”)
(set:$Gang3’s Activity to “Bored”)
(set:$Gang4’s Activity to “Bored”)
(set:$Gang5’s Activity to “Bored”) (set:$StartGritty to $LocGritty)
(set:$StartPop to $TotalPop)
(set:$DayDrugs to (a:))
(set:$DayGuns to (a:))
(set:$DayIce to 0) |hide)[(unless:$RevengeTimer < 1)[ (set:$RevengeTimer to it – 1) ]
(unless:$InvTimer < 1)[ (set:$InvTimer to it – 1) ]
(if:$RevengeTimer < 1 and $HackerPayback’s Active is false and $DefensePayback’s Active is false)[ (set:$NewOfferAlert to true) ]] (if:$AdCountdown’s nightalley > 0)[ (set:$AdCountdown’s nightalley to it – 1) (if:$AdCountdown’s nightalley is 0)[ (set:$AdLocation’s nightalley to “None”) (set:$AdPrice’s nightalley to 0) ] ]
(if:$AdCountdown’s chrometown > 0)[ (set:$AdCountdown’s chrometown to it – 1) (if:$AdCountdown’s chrometown is 0)[ (set:$LuxOn to false) (set:$AdLocation’s chrometown to “None”) (set:$AdPrice’s chrometown to 0) ] ]
(if:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir > 0)[ (set:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir to it – 1) (if:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir is 0)[ (set:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir to “None”) (set:$AdPrice’s crystalabattoir to 0) ] ]
(if:$RivalCorp’s Active is true)[ (set:$RivalSteal to (random:(round:$Revenue * 0.01),(round:$Revenue * 0.05))) (set:$Revenue to it – $RivalSteal) (set:$RivalRevenue to it + $RivalSteal) ]
}The sun rises through the haze of Blade City’s artificially induced smog. $Title[Night Alley:] You have received (print:$LicRevenue) nanits in licensing fees and (print:$LocDues’s nightalley) nanits in dues. $Title[Chrometown:] Console cowboys have paid (print:$LocDues’s chrometown) nanits in dues and cut 1 layer of ICE overnight. (if:$IntelICE’s Active is true)[Your AI has restored two layers of ICE and (set:_gritadd to (random:2,4))(print:_gritadd)% grittiness.(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it + _gritadd)](else-if:$RepairICE’s Active is true)[Your AI has restored one layer of ICE and (set:_gritadd to (random:3,6))(print:_gritadd)% grittiness.(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it + _gritadd)]You have (print:$IceLayers) layer(unless:$IceLayers is 1)[s] left. $Title[The Crystal Abattoir:] Residents have paid (print:$LocDues’s crystalabattoir) nanits in dues. The district has (print:$GangCount) gang(if:$GangCount > 1)[s]. (if:$GangCount is 1)[It is](else:)[They are] restless. $Title[Blade City:] (if:$RivalCorp’s Active is true and $RivalMerger’s Active is false)[Infiltrators from (print:$RivalCorpActive) have embezzled (print:$RivalSteal) nanits from your coffers. ]You now have (print:$Revenue) nanits. Residents of all districts have cleaned overnight, reducing grittiness by 1% to 10% per district. (if:$Tutorial is 2)[(set:$Tutorial to 1)(set:$ShowLocUpgrades to true)(link:”THE SUN RISES”)[(goto:”Advertising Tutorial”)]](else-if:$Tutorial is 1 and ($DuesRevenue + $InfRevenue + $LicRevenue) > 200)[(set:$Tutorial to 0)(link:”THE SUN RISES”)[(goto:”Building Tutorial”)]](else:)[(link:”THE SUN RISES”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]] </div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154251/cyberpunkland_ADS.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-ADS”>ADS</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div></div> </div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>{
(set:$Revenue to it + $CampCost)
(if:$InfLoc is “Night Alley”)[ (set:$AdLocation’s nightalley to $CampaignActive) (set:$AdCountdown’s nightalley to 2) (set:$AdPrice’s nightalley to $CampCost) (set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to it – 10) ]
(else-if:$InfLoc is “Chrometown”)[ (set:$AdLocation’s chrometown to $CampaignActive) (set:$AdCountdown’s chrometown to 2) (set:$AdPrice’s chrometown to $CampCost) (if:$BlackICE’s Active is true)[ (if:$LuxOn is true)[ (set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it – 10) ] (else:)[ (set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it – 5) ] ](else:)[ (if:$LuxOn is true)[ (set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it – 20) ] (else:)[ (set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it – 10) ] ] ]
(else-if:$InfLoc is “Crystal Abattoir”)[ (set:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir to $CampaignActive) (set:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir to 2) (set:$AdPrice’s crystalabattoir to $CampCost) (if:$GangAdLook’s Active is true)[ (set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it – 5) ](else:)[ (set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it – 10) ] ]
}Campaign initiated in (print:$InfLoc): (print:$CampaignActive). (print:$CampCost) nanits received. (link:”Complete”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]</div><div class=”specialbox”>Console cowboys have breached the final layers of Blade City’s mainframe. Your central data core has been compromised, triggering Xoxl’s “corporate self-defense” playbook. This includes a full audit of financial records and trade secret security, requiring a temporary suspension and potential rollback of Blade City services. Xoxl understands that mistakes happen, and it will offer paid leave and continuing health benefits while the review is in progress. (link:”REOPENING DAY!!!”)[(reload:)]</div><div class=”titlescreen”><img src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22145789/cyberpunkland_Title.0.png”>
<div class=”endday”>(link:”BEGIN”)[(goto:”Start”)]</div>
<div class=”intro-background”></div><div class=”specialbox”>{
(set:$Revenue to it – $Purchase’s Price)
}You have purchased (print:$Purchase’s Name) for (print:$Purchase’s Price) nanits. (print:$Purchase’s Description) (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
</div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><div class=”option-RD”>CITY</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>Blade City’s revenue stream can now support a variety of services that will serve the entire population. (if:$TargetAds’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $TargetAds)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|adtarget>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?adtarget)[(set:$AdRatesNA’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$AdRatesCT’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$AdRatesCA’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$TargetAds’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $TargetAds)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$IntelICE’s Active is true and $AdOpt’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $AdOpt)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|adopt>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?adopt)[(set:$AdRatesNA’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$AdRatesCT’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$AdRatesCA’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$AdOpt’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $AdOpt)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$TransitNA’s Active is true and $TransitCT’s Active is true and $TransitCA’s Active is true and $LinkTransit’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $LinkTransit)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|raillink>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?raillink)[(set:$LocDuesMod’s nightalley to it * 2)(set:$LocDuesMod’s chrometown to it * 2)(set:$LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir to it * 2)(set:$LinkTransit’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $LinkTransit)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$LinkTransit’s Active is true and $DelveDeeper’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $DelveDeeper)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|deeper>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?deeper)[(set:$DelveDeeper’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $DelveDeeper)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$DelveDeeper’s Active is true and $CaveExplore’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $CaveExplore)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|cave>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?cave)[(set:$CaveExplore’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $CaveExplore)(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$RivalCorp’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $RivalCorp)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|rival>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?rival)[(set:$NameType to “rival”)(set:$RivalCorp’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $RivalCorp)(set:$Revenue to it – $Purchase’s Price)(goto:”Name Location”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$RivalCorp’s Active is true and $CorpRaid’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $CorpRaid)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|raid>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?raid)[(set:$CorpRaid’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $CorpRaid)(goto:”Launch Corporate Raid”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CorpRaid’s Active is true and $CounterRaid’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $CounterRaid)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|counter>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?counter)[(set:$CounterRaid’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $CounterRaid)(goto:”Launch Counter Raid”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$ExportCorp’s Active is true and $RivalMerger’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $RivalMerger)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|merger>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?merger)[(set:$RivalMerger’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $RivalMerger)(goto:”Complete Merger”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CodeReport2’s Active is true and $RivalMerger’s Active is true and $RivalRFP’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $RivalRFP)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|rivalrfp>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?rivalrfp)[(set:$EndTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$RivalRFP’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $RivalRFP)(set:$Revenue – $RivalRFP’s Price)(goto:”Rival Proposal”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
] </div><div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154252/cyberpunkland_gangs.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-GANGS”>GANGS</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>{
(set:$Revenue to it – $AddGang’s Price)
(set:$AddGang’s Price to (round:$AddGang’s Price * 1.4))
(set:$GangCount to it + 1)
(set:$GangNames to (shuffled:…$GangNames))
}You size up the leader of your new gang. They return your gaze with a flinty stare. They are paying extra for this. What would you like to name your new gang? |gangname>[(print:$GangNames’s 1st)]? (link:”Yes!”)[{ (set:$GangBuilt to it + (a:$GangNames’s 1st)) (set:$GangNames to it – (a:$GangNames’s 1st)) (if:$AddGang’s Extant is 2)[ (set:$Gang2’s Name to “(print:$GangBuilt’s 2nd)”) (set:$GangList to it + (a:$Gang2)) ] (else-if:$AddGang’s Extant is 3)[ (set:$Gang3’s Name to “(print:$GangBuilt’s 3rd)”) (set:$GangList to it + (a:$Gang3)) ] (else-if:$AddGang’s Extant is 4)[ (set:$Gang4’s Name to “(print:$GangBuilt’s 4th)”) (set:$GangList to it + (a:$Gang4)) ] (else-if:$AddGang’s Extant is 5)[ (set:$Gang5’s Name to “(print:$GangBuilt’s 5th)”) (set:$GangList to it + (a:$Gang5)) ]
(goto:”Confirm Gang”)}] (link-repeat:”Something Else?”)[(set:$GangNames to (rotated:-1,…$GangNames))(replace:?gangname)[(print:$GangNames’s 1st)]] </div><div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154252/cyberpunkland_gangs.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-GANGS”>GANGS</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>(print:$GangBuilt’s last) are now active in Blade City. (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Call Gang”)] </div>(if:$IceLayers > 5)[(link:”Sell 5 layers”)[(set:$IceLayers to it – 5)(set:$Revenue to it + 1000)(replace:?revenue)[(print:$Revenue)](replace:?layers)[(print:$IceLayers)](replace:?upgrades)[(display:”List ICE Upgrades”)](replace:?sellice)[(display:”Sell ICE Link”)]]](else:)[You don’t have enough extra ICE to sell.]<div class=”specialbox”>{
(set:$Revenue to it – $CorpRaid’s Price)
(set:$LicRevenue to it + 1000)
}(print:$GangActive’s 1st) attack (print:$RivalCorpActive)’s headquarters with leechbombs and monofilament flails while your hacker team infiltrates its ICE. You retrieve technology worth 1000 nanits in daily licensing. (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
</div><div class=”specialbox”>{
(set:$Revenue to it – $CounterRaid’s Price)
(set:$RivalSteal to (random:(round:$LicRevenue * 0.05),(round:$LicRevenue * 0.1)))
(set:$LicRevenue to it – $RivalSteal)
(set:$RivalRevenue to it + $RivalSteal)
(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)
(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)
}(print:$RivalCorpActive) recruits (print:$GangActive’s last) to mount a guerrilla campaign against your corporate headquarters. (print:$RivalCorpActive) appropriates technology worth (print:$RivalSteal) nanits in licensing fees from your coffers. (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
</div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><div class=”option-ICE”>PROPOSALS</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>Special proposals from outside entities can have lasting consequences for Xoxl’s future. (if:$MilICE’s Active is true and $DefenseICE’s Active is false and $HackerICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $DefenseICE)<div class=”upgradebox”>|dodice>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?dodice)[(set:$DefenseICE’s Active to true)(set:$LicRevenue to it + $DefenseICE’s Price)(set:$Purchase to $DefenseICE)(goto:”Choose Alert Special”)]
](if:$MilICE’s Active is true and $DefenseICE’s Active is false and $HackerICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $HackerICE)<div class=”upgradebox”>|hackerice>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?hackerice)[(set:$HackerICE’s Active to true)(set:$AdRatesNA’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$AdRatesCT’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$AdRatesCA’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$Purchase to $HackerICE)(goto:”Choose Alert Special”)]
](if:$CounterRaid’s Active is true and $ExportCorp’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $ExportCorp)<div class=”upgradebox”>|exportcorp>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?exportcorp)[(set:$ExportCorp’s Active to true)(set:$LicRevenue to it + $ExportCorp’s Price)(set:$Purchase to $ExportCorp)(goto:”Choose Alert Special”)]
](unless:$GangTV’s Subject is “None” or $GangTV’s Active is true or $GangMovie’s Active is true)[
(set:_listitem to $GangTV)<div class=”upgradebox”>|gangtv>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?gangtv)[(set:$GangTV’s Active to true)(set:$LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir to it * 2)(set:$Purchase to $GangTV)(goto:”Choose Alert Special”)]
](unless:$GangTV’s Subject is “None” or $GangTV’s Active is true or $GangMovie’s Active is true)[
(set:_listitem to $GangMovie)<div class=”upgradebox”>|gangmovie>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?gangmovie)[(set:$GangMovie’s Active to true)(set:$Revenue to it + $GangMovie’s Price)(set:$Purchase to $GangMovie)(goto:”Choose Alert Special”)]
](if:$CaveExplore’s Active is true and $CaveReport’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $CaveReport)<div class=”upgradebox”>|cavereport>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?cavereport)[(set:$CaveReport’s Active to true)(set:$SpecialTasks to it – 1)(set:$Purchase to $CaveReport)(goto:”Underground Report”)]
](if:$CaveReport’s Active is true and $CaveTrade’s Active is false and $CavePlunder’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $CaveTrade)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|cavetrade>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?cavetrade)[(set:$CaveTrade’s Active to true)(set:$LicRevenue to it + 500)(set:$Revenue to it – $CaveTrade’s Price)(set:$Purchase to $CaveTrade)(goto:”Choose Alert Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CaveReport’s Active is true and $CaveTrade’s Active is false and $CavePlunder’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $CavePlunder)<div class=”upgradebox”>|caveplunder>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?caveplunder)[(set:$CavePlunder’s Active to true)(set:$Revenue to it + $CavePlunder’s Price)(set:$Purchase to $CavePlunder)(goto:”Choose Alert Special”)]
](if:$ModelCode’s Active is true and $CodeReport1’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $CodeReport1)<div class=”upgradebox”>|coderep1>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?coderep1)[(set:$CodeReport1’s Active to true)(set:$SpecialTasks to it – 1)(set:$Purchase to $CodeReport1)(goto:”Simulation Report”)]
](if:$ModelCode2’s Active is true and $CodeMessage’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $CodeMessage)<div class=”upgradebox”>|codemessage>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?codemessage)[(set:$CodeMessage’s Active to true)(set:$SpecialTasks to it – 1)(set:$Purchase to $CodeMessage)(goto:”Simulation Convo”)]
](if:$ModelCode3’s Active is true and $CodeReport2’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $CodeReport2)<div class=”upgradebox”>|coderep2>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?coderep2)[(set:$CodeReport2’s Active to true)(set:$SpecialTasks to it – 1)(set:$Purchase to $CodeReport2)(goto:”Simulation Report 2″)]
](if:$EndTasks > 0)[<div class=”normalbox”>$Title[The end is near… ]</div>](if:$CaveRFP’s Active is true and $MagicEnding’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $MagicEnding)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|magicending>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?magicending)[(set:$PickEnding to “magic”)(goto:”Ending Confirmation”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)</div>]
](if:$RivalRFP’s Active is true and $RivalEnding’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $RivalEnding)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|rivalending>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?rivalending)[(set:$PickEnding to “rival”)(goto:”Ending Confirmation”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)</div>]
](if:$HackerRFP’s Active is true and $HackerEnding’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $HackerEnding)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|hackerending>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?hackerending)[(set:$PickEnding to “hacker”)(goto:”Ending Confirmation”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)</div>]
](if:$DefenseRFP’s Active is true and $DefenseEnding’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $DefenseEnding)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|defenseending>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?defenseending)[(set:$PickEnding to “defense”)(goto:”Ending Confirmation”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)</div>]
(set:$HumanBillboardNightAlley to (dm: “Name”,”Human Billboards – Night Alley”, “Price”,300, “Description”,”Residents can now be plastered with temporary sponsor tattoos, increasing the payment for influence campaigns within their district.”, “Active”,false
(set:$HumanBillboardChrometown to (dm: “Name”,”Human Billboards – Chrometown”, “Price”,300, “Description”,”Residents can now be plastered with temporary sponsor tattoos, increasing the payment for influence campaigns within their district.”, “Active”,false
(set:$HumanBillboardCrystalAbattoir to (dm: “Name”,”Human Billboards – The Crystal Abattoir”, “Price”,300, “Description”,”Residents can now be plastered with temporary sponsor tattoos, increasing the payment for influence campaigns within their district.”, “Active”,false
(set:$SubliminalMessaging to (dm: “Name”,”Subliminal Messaging”, “Price”,2000, “Description”,”Hypnosuggestion might increase the effectiveness of influence campaigns. Or it might not! Either way, it will double your ad prices.”, “Active”,false
(set:$TargetAds to (dm: “Name”,”Hyper-Targeted Advertising”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Analyze behavioral data to micro-target ads to Blade City residents. It’s unclear if this works at all, but advertisers will pay double for it!”, “Active”,false
(set:$LuxuryAds to (dm: “Name”,”Luxury Advertising”, “Price”,800, “Description”,”Unlock special high-end advertising campaigns for the elite hackers of Chrometown.”, “Active”,false
(set:$AdOpt to (dm: “Name”,”Ad Optimization”, “Price”,1000, “Description”,”Use your AI to optimize ad placement for maximum eyeball attraction, doubling ad revenue across all districts.”, “Active”,false
(set:$RivalCorp to (dm: “Name”,”Rival Corporation”, “Price”,5000, “Description”,”Fund a rival corporation to provide a ruthless, scrappy foil for Xoxl.”, “Names”,$RivalCorpNames, “Active”,false
(set:$CorpRaid to (dm: “Name”,”Corporate Raid”, “Price”,8000, “Description”,”Organize gangs and hackers for a raid on (print:$RivalCorpActive).”, “Active”,false
(set:$CounterRaid to (dm: “Name”,”Corporate Counter-Raid”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Fund a (print:$RivalCorpActive) counter-raid on Xoxl.”, “Active”,false
(set:$RivalMerger to (dm: “Name”,”(print:$RivalCorpActive) Merger”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Merge with (print:$RivalCorpActive) to consolidate market power, receive 1,000 nanits/day in licensing revenue, and ensure confidentiality around any discussion of sensitive information.”, “Active”,false
(set:$RivalRFP to (dm: “Name”,”Xoxl-(print:$RivalCorpActive) Board Meeting”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Meet with the Xoxl-(print:$RivalCorpActive) board of directors to discuss the application of meta-code for financial gain.”, “Active”,false
(set:$LoseICE to (dm: “Name”,”Mainframe Backdoor”, “Price”,200, “Description”,”Build an ICE-shielded backdoor into the city’s infrastructure mainframe. Each ICE layer will make Chrometown 10% grittier, but letting ICE drop to 0 will destroy Blade City. Requires 2 layers of active ICE.”, “Active”,false
(set:$RepairICE to (dm: “Name”,”Self-Repairing ICE”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”An artificial intelligence will automatically construct 1 layer of ICE and recover a small amount of grittiness overnight, thanks to advances in faux-hacking simulatrics.”, “Active”,false
(set:$BlackICE to (dm: “Name”,”Black ICE”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Your ICE is now tuned to the precise frequency required to flatline the human heart, adding an additional challenge for hackers. Influence campaigns will have only a 5% impact on Chrometown’s grittiness.”, “Active”,false
(set:$IntelICE to (dm: “Name”,”Neural Network”, “Price”,2200, “Description”,”A generalized artificial intelligence will construct 2 layers of ICE overnight, recover more grittiness, and potentially confer other benefits.”, “Active”,false
(set:$SellICE to (dm: “Name”,”Turnkey ICE”, “Price”,2000, “Description”,”Establish a cybersecurity division that can sell 5-layer bundles of ICE modules to outside corporations for 1000 nanits.”, “Active”,false
(set:$MilICE to (dm: “Name”,”Militarized ICE”, “Price”,2000, “Description”,”Leverage Black ICE to develop military-grade weaponized intrusion countermeasures, doubling Chrometown dues.”, “Active”,false
(set:$InvAnom to (dm: “Name”,”Investigate Technical Anomaly”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Your AI has detected an anomaly within Blade City’s technical infrastructure. It requires more resources to fully investigate.”, “Active”,false
(set:$ModelCode to (dm: “Name”,”Model Code Structure”, “Price”,12000, “Description”,”Your AI’s investigation has produced a sample of code matching no known programming language. It requires more resources to reconstruct the language.”, “Active”,false
(set:$ModelCode2 to (dm: “Name”,”Model Code Structure – 2″, “Price”,15000, “Description”,”Continue modeling anomalous code sample.”, “Active”,false
(set:$ModelCode3 to (dm: “Name”,”Analyze Anomalous Conversation”, “Price”,20000, “Description”,”Analyze the record of your last conversation.”, “Active”,false
(set:$HireHackers to (dm: “Name”,”Hire Hacktivists”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Hire the hacktivist collective to apply your AI’s meta-code analysis to systems outside Blade City.”, “Active”,false
(set:$HackerRFP to (dm: “Name”,”Hacktivist Collective Meeting”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Contact the hacktivist collective to discuss applying meta-code to systemic problems.”, “Active”,false
)) }{
(set:$MonetizeTech to (dm: “Name”,”Monetization”, “Price”,150, “Description”,”Drugs and weapons have a 50% chance of being licensed by pharmaceutical companies and arms dealers outside Blade City, earning an upfront bonus as well as long-term royalties.”, “Active”,false
(set:$GrittierTech to (dm: “Name”,”Grittier Technology”, “Price”,150, “Description”,”Add harsher angles and darker tones to all pills and weapons, making them look more threatening. Developing tech will raise district grittiness by 10%.”, “Active”,false
(set:$DrugTrials to (dm: “Name”,”Clinical Trials”, “Price”,300, “Description”,”Xoxl sends agents to gather medical data from Night Alley. Drugs will have a 90% licensing chance and will earn higher licensing fees.”, “Active”,false
(set:$HireTacticool to (dm: “Name”,”Tacticool Consultant”, “Price”,300, “Description”,”Hire a top survivalist influencer to redesign your weapons for maximum grittiness. Each weapon will raise grittiness by 20%.”, “Active”,false
(set:$TechDivisions to (dm: “Name”,”Split Divisions”, “Price”,100, “Description”,”Separate R&D divisions let you specify the development of drugs or weapons.”, “Active”,false
(set:$TechAI to (dm: “Name”,”Put AI In It!!!”, “Price”,3000, “Description”,”Add a single module of intelligent ICE to your R&D mainframe, then tell clients that your tech is ‘built with machine learning.’ This is technically not untrue and will quadruple royalties for future products.”, “Active”,false
(set:$LinguisticsDiv to (dm: “Name”,”Linguistics Division”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Hire linguists to bridge the communications gap between your scientists and the Ilphians, increasing daily licensing revenue by 1000 nanits/day and potentially opening other research opportunities.”, “Active”,false
(set:$CaveRFP to (dm: “Name”,”Ilphian R&D Meeting”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Approach Ilphian R&D about the potential application of lexomancy to meta-code.”, “Active”,false
(set:$DefenseICE to (dm: “Name”,”Militarized ICE – Pentagon Contract”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”The Department of Defense is requesting an exclusive contract for your advanced cyberweapon technology. It is prepared to offer 500 nanits per day (or the dollar equivalent) in licensing fees.”, “Active”,false
(set:$HackerICE to (dm: “Name”,”Militarized ICE – Hacktivist Request”, “Price”,2, “Description”,”An anonymous hacktivist collective wants you to keep your cyberweapons inside Blade City. In return, it can breach your sponsors’ networks to double your advertising revenue.”, “Active”,false
(set:$ExportCorp to (dm: “Name”,”Establish External Subsidiary”, “Price”,2000, “Description”,”(print:$RivalCorpActive) would like to establish a presence beyond Blade City. It will sign a licensing agreement to share revenue earned in the outside world.”, “Active”,false
(set:$GangTV to (dm: “Name”,”Gang Prestige TV”, “Price”,2, “Description”,”A streaming video service will subsidize doubling Crystal Abattoir resident dues in exchange for exclusive rights to a gritty drama series based on (print:$GangTV’s Subject).”, “Subject”,”None”, “Active”,false
(set:$GangMovie to (dm: “Name”,”Gang Action Movie”, “Price”,5000, “Description”,”A major studio is offering 5,000 nanits for exclusive rights to a popcorn action flick based on (print:$GangTV’s Subject).”, “Subject”,”None”, “Active”,false
(set:$CaveReport to (dm: “Name”,”Report From Underground”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Your subterranean expedition has returned with a report on its findings.”, “Active”,false
(set:$CavePlunder to (dm: “Name”,”Ilph Antiquities Heist”, “Price”,5000, “Description”,”Send Xoxl street mercenaries to infiltrate the sunken city of Ilph and steal legendary antiquities worth 5,000 nanits on the black market. Seal the cavern upon leaving, preventing any further contact.”, “Active”,false
(set:$CaveTrade to (dm: “Name”,”Ilph Trade Deal”, “Price”,5000, “Description”,”Send 5,000 nanits of biomedical products to hire a division of expert lexomancers who will give you 500 nanits/day in extra R&D revenue.”, “Active”,false
(set:$CodeReport1 to (dm: “Name”,”Report on the Coding Anomaly”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Your ICE coders have prepared a report on a fragment of decrypted code detected by Xoxl’s AI.”, “Active”,false
(set:$CodeMessage to (dm: “Name”,”Decrypted Communications Channel”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Further analysis of the mysterious code has exposed a communication system of unknown origin. You may choose to activate the system now.”, “Active”,false
(set:$CodeReport2 to (dm: “Name”,”Analysis of an Anomalous Conversation”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Your ICE coders have made a major breakthrough in their analysis of recent reality anomalies.”, “Active”,false
)) (set:$MagicEnding to (dm: “Name”,”Attack And Dethrone God”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Work with Ilphian lexomancers to abstract your consciousness and escape the simulation.”, “Active”,false
(set:$HackerEnding to (dm: “Name”,”Hack The Planet”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Work with hacktivists to tweak the parameters of reality, averting a looming ecological disaster.”, “Active”,false
(set:$RivalEnding to (dm: “Name”,”Cyberpunk World”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Work with (print:$RivalCorpActive) to reshape and dominate the global economy.”, “Active”,false
(set:$DefenseEnding to (dm: “Name”,”Pax Americana”, “Price”,0, “Description”,”Partner with the Department of Defense and secretly take control of the US government.”, “Active”,false
(set:$AddMarket to (dm: “Name”,”Build Street Market”, “Price”,1000, “Pop”,100, “Description”,”Establish a new street market that can serve (print:$AddMarket’s Pop) new residents.”, “Extant”,0, “Names”,$MarketNames, “Built”,$MarketBuilt
(set:$PopupShops to (dm: “Name”,”Pop-Up Shops”, “Price”,2000, “Description”,”Open a high-end Night Alley-branded pop-up shops across the country, doubling the rate at which residents come to Night Alley.”, “Active”,false
(set:$AddHotel to (dm: “Name”,”Build Coffin Hotel”, “Price”,500, “Pop”,50, “Description”,”Construct a capsule hotel that can store the meat-forms of (print:$AddHotel’s Pop) new console cowboys.”, “Extant”,0, “Names”,$HotelNames, “Built”,$HotelBuilt
(set:$AddLair to (dm: “Name”,”Build Gang Lair”, “Price”,800, “Pop”,75, “Description”,”Construct, staff, and then abandon an industrial facility that can be occupied by (print:$AddLair’s Pop) new gang members.”, “Extant”,0, “Names”,$LairNames, “Built”,$LairBuilt
(set:$TransitNA to (dm: “Name”,”Build Maglev”, “Price”,2000, “Dues”,2, “Description”,”Construct a slick, neon-drenched maglev train line for the residents of Night Alley, allowing you to double their dues.”, “Active”,false
(set:$TransitCT to (dm: “Name”,”Build PRT”, “Price”,2000, “Dues”,2, “Description”,”Construct a loop of retro-futuristic personal rapid transit cars for the residents of Chrometown, allowing you to double their dues.”, “Active”,false
(set:$TransitCA to (dm: “Name”,”Build Subway”, “Price”,2000, “Dues”,2, “Description”,”Construct a filthy, graffiti-splashed subway for the residents of the Crystal Abattoir, allowing you to double their dues.”, “Active”,false
(set:$LinkTransit to (dm: “Name”,”Link Transit Systems”, “Price”,5000, “Dues”,2, “Description”,”Link city-wide transit systems together, doubling dues across all districts.”, “Active”,false
(set:$DelveDeeper to (dm: “Name”,”Delve Deeper”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Your subway engineers have detected an unusual geological reading beneath Blade City’s transit hub. They request authorization to drill beneath its lower levels.”, “Active”,false
(set:$CaveExplore to (dm: “Name”,”Cavern Expedition”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Your engineers’ drilling has revealed a cavern of unknown depth, echoing with the sound of rushing water. An expedition could explore more thoroughly.”, “Active”,false
(set:$GangProtection to (dm: “Name”,”Protection Racket”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Gangs will collect additional money from all Blade City residents and offer you a kickback, doubling your overall city dues.”, “Active”,false
(set:$GangSummit to (dm: “Name”,”Call Gang Summit”, “Price”,5000, “Description”,”Call a summit to organize your city’s gangs, increasing their effectiveness and doubling your city dues.”, “Active”,false
(set:$AddBuilding to (dm: “Name”,”Build Arcology”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Build an arcology in Blade City to increase its population.”
}<div class=”specialbox”>(set:$SpecialTasks to it – 1)You have chosen: (print:$Purchase’s Name). (print:$Purchase’s Description) (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
(if:$LocGritty’s nightalley < 0)[(set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to 0)]
(if:$LocGritty’s chrometown < $ChrometownGritFloor)[(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to $ChrometownGritFloor)]
(if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir < $CrystalAbattoirGritFloor)[(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to $CrystalAbattoirGritFloor)]
(if:$LocGritty’s nightalley > 100)[(set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to 100)]
(if:$LocGritty’s chrometown > 100)[(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to 100)]
(if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir > 100)[(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to 100)]
(set:$TotalGritty to (round:($LocGritty’s nightalley + $LocGritty’s chrometown + $LocGritty’s crystalabattoir) / 3))
(if:$TotalGritty > 100)[(set:$TotalGritty to 100)] (if:$LocGritty’s nightalley > 49)[(set:$GritFlagNA to $GritFlagGreen)]
(else-if:$LocGritty’s nightalley > 39)[(set:$GritFlagNA to $GritFlagYellow)]
(else-if:$LocGritty’s nightalley > 0)[(set:$GritFlagNA to $GritFlagOrange)]
(else:)[(set:$GritFlagNA to $GritFlagRed)]
(if:$LocGritty’s chrometown > 49)[(set:$GritFlagCT to $GritFlagGreen)]
(else-if:$LocGritty’s chrometown > 39)[(set:$GritFlagCT to $GritFlagYellow)]
(else-if:$LocGritty’s chrometown > 0)[(set:$GritFlagCT to $GritFlagOrange)]
(else:)[(set:$GritFlagCT to $GritFlagRed)]
(if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir > 49)[(set:$GritFlagCA to $GritFlagGreen)]
(else-if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir > 39)[(set:$GritFlagCA to $GritFlagYellow)]
(else-if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir > 0)[(set:$GritFlagCA to $GritFlagOrange)]
(else:)[(set:$GritFlagCA to $GritFlagRed)] (set:$InfRevenue to ($AdPrice’s nightalley + $AdPrice’s chrometown + $AdPrice’s crystalabattoir))
(set:$DuesRevenue to $LocDues’s nightalley + $LocDues’s chrometown + $LocDues’s crystalabattoir)
(if:$LocPop’s nightalley > $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)[(set:$LocPop’s nightalley to $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)]
(if:$LocPop’s chrometown > $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)[(set:$LocPop’s chrometown to $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)]
(if:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir > $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)[(set:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir to $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)]
(set:$MaxPop to $LocMaxPop’s nightalley + $LocMaxPop’s chrometown + $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)
(if:$TotalPop > $MaxPop)[(set:$TotalPop to $MaxPop)]
}<div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22154252/cyberpunkland_gangs.png” class=”option-icon”><div class=”option-GANGS”>GANGS</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>Entertain (print:($GangList’s $GangPick)’s Name): (if:$Revenue >= 20)[(link:”Smash It Up!!! – 20 nanits”)[(set:$Revenue to it – 20)(set:$RaiseGrit’s crystalabattoir to 10)(if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang1)[(set:$Gang1’s Activity to “Smashing Things Up!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang2)[(set:$Gang2’s Activity to “Smashing Things Up!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang3)[(set:$Gang3’s Activity to “Smashing Things Up!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang4)[(set:$Gang4’s Activity to “Smashing Things Up!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang5)[(set:$Gang5’s Activity to “Smashing Things Up!!!”)](set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it + $RaiseGrit’s crystalabattoir)(goto:”Call Gang”)]](else:)[You need 20 nanits to smash things up.] Designate a zone for (print:$GangChoice’s Choice’s Name) to cause miscellaneous property damage and restore 10% grittiness. (if:$Revenue >= 50)[(link:”Fight!!! – 50 nanits”)[(set:$Revenue to it – 50)(set:$RaiseGrit’s crystalabattoir to 15)(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it + $RaiseGrit’s crystalabattoir)(if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang1)[(set:$Gang1’s Activity to “Street Fighting!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang2)[(set:$Gang2’s Activity to “Street Fighting!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang3)[(set:$Gang3’s Activity to “Street Fighting!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang4)[(set:$Gang4’s Activity to “Street Fighting!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang5)[(set:$Gang5’s Activity to “Street Fighting!!!”)](goto:”Call Gang”)]](else:)[You need 50 nanits for fighting.] Organize a small streetfighting tournament for members of (print:$GangChoice’s Choice’s Name) and restore 15% grittiness.(if:$GangVlog’s Active is true)[ (if:$Gang1’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang2’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang3’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang4’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!” or $Gang5’s Activity is “Vlogging!!!”)[Another gang is already vlogging today.](else-if:$Revenue >= 50)[(link:”Vlog!!! – 50 nanits”)[(set:$Revenue to it – 50)(set:$AdRatesCA’s Modifier to it * 2)(set:$RaiseGrit’s crystalabattoir to 10)(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it + $RaiseGrit’s crystalabattoir)(if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang1)[(set:$Gang1’s Activity to “Vlogging!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang2)[(set:$Gang2’s Activity to “Vlogging!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang3)[(set:$Gang3’s Activity to “Vlogging!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang4)[(set:$Gang4’s Activity to “Vlogging!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang5)[(set:$Gang5’s Activity to “Vlogging!!!”)](goto:”Call Gang”)] Allocate bandwidth for (print:$GangChoice’s Choice’s Name) to upload a promotional video for Xoxl’s social media feed. This will restore 10% grittiness and make placing a Crystal Abattoir influence campaign today more profitable.](else:)[You need 50 nanits to recoup vlogging bandwidth costs.]](if:$GangPublicity’s Active is true)[ (if:$Gang1’s Activity is “On Tour!!!” or $Gang2’s Activity is “On Tour!!!” or $Gang3’s Activity is “On Tour!!!” or $Gang4’s Activity is “On Tour!!!” or $Gang5’s Activity is “On Tour!!!”)[Another gang is already on tour today.](else-if:$Revenue >= 500)[(link:”Go On Tour!!! – 500 nanits”)[(set:$Revenue to it – 500)(if:$GangTV’s Subject is “None”)[(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$GangTV’s Subject to “(print:$GangChoice’s Choice’s Name)”)(set:$GangMovie’s Subject to “(print:$GangChoice’s Choice’s Name)”)](set:$LocPopChange’s crystalabattoir to (random:10,15))(set:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir to it + $LocPopChange’s crystalabattoir)(if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang1)[(set:$Gang1’s Activity to “On Tour!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang2)[(set:$Gang2’s Activity to “On Tour!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang3)[(set:$Gang3’s Activity to “On Tour!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang4)[(set:$Gang4’s Activity to “On Tour!!!”)](else-if:$GangChoice’s Choice is $Gang5)[(set:$Gang5’s Activity to “On Tour!!!”)](goto:”Call Gang”)] Send (print:$GangChoice’s Choice’s Name) to hold a fighting tournament in a nearby city and arrange interviews with a variety of media outlets, drawing new residents to the Crystal Abattoir if space is available.](else:)[You need 500 nanits to fund a tour.]]
</div>”(print:_listitem’s Name) – (print:_listitem’s Price) nanits”
(print:_listitem’s Description)<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”bottom-row”> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>NIGHT ALLEY</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagNA[(print:$LocGritty’s nightalley)% Grittiness]</p> <p>Licensing: (print:$LicRevenue) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”R&D”)[(goto:”Develop Technology”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s nightalley is $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s nightalley)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s nightalley)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s nightalley * $LocDuesMod’s nightalley) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”Build”)[(set:$BuildLoc to “Night Alley”)(goto:”Build Night Alley”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Ads: (print:$AdPrice’s nightalley) nanits/day</p> <p>(if:$AdLocation’s nightalley is “None”)[No Campaign Set](else:)[(print:$AdLocation’s nightalley) – (print:$AdCountdown’s nightalley) day(if:$AdCountdown’s nightalley > 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (if:$AdLocation’s nightalley is “None” and $LocGritty’s nightalley > 0)[(link:”Ads”)[(set:$InfLoc to “Night Alley”)(set:$AdRates to $AdRatesNA)(goto:”Place Influence”)]] </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>CHROMETOWN</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagCT[(print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)% Grittiness]</p> <p>ICE Mk. I: (if:$LoseICE’s Active is true and $RepairICE’s Active is false and $IceLayers is 1)[(text-color:”red”)[(text-style:”blink”)[(print:$IceLayers) layer]]](else:)[(print:$IceLayers) layer(unless:$IceLayers is 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”ICE”)[(goto:”Build ICE”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s chrometown is $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s chrometown)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s chrometown)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s chrometown * $LocDuesMod’s chrometown) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”Build”)[(set:$BuildLoc to “Chrometown”)(goto:”Build Chrometown”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Ads: (print:$AdPrice’s chrometown) nanits/day</p> <p>(if:$AdLocation’s chrometown is “None” and $LocGritty’s chrometown > 0)[No Campaign Set](else:)[(print:$AdLocation’s chrometown) – (print:$AdCountdown’s chrometown) day(if:$AdCountdown’s chrometown > 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (if:$AdLocation’s chrometown is “None”)[(link:”Ads”)[(set:$AdRates to $AdRatesCT)(set:$InfLoc to “Chrometown”)(goto:”Place Influence”)]] </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>THE CRYSTAL ABATTOIR</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagCA[(print:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir)% Grittiness]</p> <p>Gangs: (print:$GangList’s length)</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”Gangs”)[(goto:”Call Gang”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir is $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir * $LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”Build”)[(set:$BuildLoc to “CrystalAbattoir”)(goto:”Build Crystal Abattoir”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Ads: (print:$AdPrice’s crystalabattoir) nanits/day</p> <p>(if:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir is “None”)[No Campaign Set](else:)[(print:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir) – (print:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir) day(if:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir > 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”>(if:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir is “None” and $LocGritty’s crystalabattoir > 0)[(link:”Ads”)[(set:$AdRates to $AdRatesCA)(set:$InfLoc to “Crystal Abattoir”)(goto:”Place Influence”)]] </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <div class=”group-button” style=”margin:5px;”>(link:”City Services”)[(goto:”City Services”) ]</div> <div class=”group-button” style=”margin:5px;”>(if:$SpecialTasks > 0 or $EndTasks > 0)[(link:”Proposal”)[(goto:”Special Offer”)] (if:$NewOfferAlert is true)[ ]]</div> <div class=”endday”>(link:”END DAY”)[(goto:”End Period”)]</div> </div> </div>
</div>(if:$GrittierTech’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $GrittierTech)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|grittier>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?grittier)[(set:$GrittierTech’s Active to true)(set:$RaiseGrit’s nightalley to it + 5)(set:$Purchase to $GrittierTech)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$MonetizeTech’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $MonetizeTech)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|monetize>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?monetize)[(set:$DrugBar to 50)(set:$GunBar to 50)(set:$MonetizeTech’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $MonetizeTech)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$MonetizeTech’s Active is true and $DrugTrials’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $DrugTrials)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|drugtrials>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?drugtrials)[(set:$DrugTrials’s Active to true)(set:$DrugBar to 90)(set:$LicenseDrugs to 10)(set:$LicDrug’s Upfront to it + 100)(set:$LicDrug’s Min to it + 30)(set:$LicDrug’s Max to it + 30)(set:$Purchase to $DrugTrials)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$GrittierTech’s Active is true and $HireTacticool’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $HireTacticool)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|tacticool>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?tacticool)[(set:$HireTacticool’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $HireTacticool)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$HireTacticool’s Active is true or $DrugTrials’s Active is true and $TechDivisions’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $TechDivisions)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|divisions>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?divisions)[(set:$TechDivisions’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $TechDivisions)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$IntelICE’s Active is true and $TechAI’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $TechAI)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|techai>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?techai)[(set:$TechAI’s Active to true)(set:$LicDrug’s Upfront to it * 2)(set:$LicDrug’s Min to it * 4)(set:$LicDrug’s Max to it * 4)(set:$LicGun’s Upfront to it * 2)(set:$LicGun’s Min to it * 4)(set:$LicGun’s Max to it * 4)(set:$Purchase to $TechAI)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CaveTrade’s Active is true and $LinguisticsDiv’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $LinguisticsDiv)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|linguistics>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?linguistics)[(set:$LinguisticsDiv’s Active to true)(set:$LicRevenue to it + 1000)(set:$Purchase to $LinguisticsDiv)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CodeReport2’s Active is true and $LinguisticsDiv’s Active is true and $CaveRFP’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $CaveRFP)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|caverfp>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?caverfp)[(set:$EndTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$CaveRFP’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $CaveRFP)(set:$Revenue – $CaveRFP’s Price)(goto:”Cave City Proposal”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
] |hide)[(if:$Tier3Tech’s Active is true and $Tier4Tech’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $Tier4Tech)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|tier4>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?tier4)[(set:$Tier4Tech’s Active to true)(set:$LicenseUpfront to 400)(set:$TechMin to 100)(set:$TechMax to 150)(set:$Purchase to $Tier4Tech)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]](if:$IntelICE’s Active is true and $AutoDev’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $AutoDev)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|autodev>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?autodev)[(set:$AutoDev’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $AutoDev)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]] ]{
(set:$LicenseRoll to (random:1,100))
(if:$GenType is 1 and ($DrugBar >= $LicenseRoll))[ (set:$LicenseUpfront to $LicDrug’s Upfront) (set:$Revenue to it + $LicenseUpfront) (set:$LicMin to $LicDrug’s Min) (set:$LicMax to $LicDrug’s Max) (set:$LicenseFee to (random:$LicMin,$LicMax)) (set:$LicRevenue to it + $LicenseFee) ]
(else-if:$GenType is 2 and ($GunBar >= $LicenseRoll))[ (set:$LicenseUpfront to $LicGun’s Upfront) (set:$Revenue to it + $LicenseUpfront) (set:$Revenue to it + $LicGun’s Upfront) (set:$LicMin to $LicGun’s Min) (set:$LicMax to $LicGun’s Max) (set:$LicenseFee to (random:$LicMin,$LicMax)) (set:$LicRevenue to it + $LicenseFee) ]
}(if:($GenType is 1 and ($DrugBar >= $LicenseRoll)) or ($GenType is 2 and ($GunBar >= $LicenseRoll)))[This technology has also been LICENSED by (if:$GenType is 1)[a pharmaceutical company](else:)[an arms manufacturer]. You have received an advance of (print:$LicenseUpfront) nanits and an ongoing royalty of (print:$LicenseFee) nanits per day.](if:$LoseICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $LoseICE)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price and $IceLayers > 1)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|mainframe>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?mainframe)[(set:$RaiseGrit’s chrometown to 10)(set:$LoseICE’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $LoseICE)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$LoseICE’s Active is true and $RepairICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $RepairICE)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|repair>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?repair)[(set:$RepairICE’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $RepairICE)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$RepairICE’s Active is true and $BlackICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $BlackICE)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|blackice>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?blackice)[(set:$BlackICE’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $BlackICE)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$RepairICE’s Active is true and $SellICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $SellICE)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|turnkeyice>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?turnkeyice)[(set:$SellICE’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $SellICE)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$RepairICE’s Active is true and $IntelICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $IntelICE)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|intel>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?intel)[(set:$IntelICE’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $IntelICE)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$BlackICE’s Active is true and $MilICE’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $MilICE)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|milice>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?milice)[(set:$MilICE’s Active to true)(set:$LocDuesMod’s chrometown to it * 2)(set:$Purchase to $MilICE)(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)
(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$IntelICE’s Active is true and $InvAnom’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $InvAnom)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|anom>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?anom)[(set:$InvAnom’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $InvAnom)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$InvAnom’s Active is true and $ModelCode’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $ModelCode)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|model>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?model)[(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$ModelCode’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $ModelCode)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CodeReport1’s Active is true and $ModelCode2’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $ModelCode2)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|model2>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?model2)[(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$ModelCode2’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $ModelCode2)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CodeMessage’s Active is true and $ModelCode3’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $ModelCode3)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|model3>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?model3)[(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$ModelCode3’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $ModelCode3)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CodeReport2’s Active is true and $HackerICE’s Active is true and $HireHackers’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $HireHackers)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|hirehackers>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?hirehackers)[(set:$Purchase to $HireHackers)(set:$HireHackers’s Active to true)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$HireHackers’s Active is true and $HackerRFP’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $HackerRFP)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|hackrfp>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?hackrfp)[(set:$EndTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$HackerRFP’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $HackerRFP)(set:$Revenue – $HackerRFP’s Price)(goto:”Hacker Proposal”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
] |hide)[(if:$RepairICE’s Active is true and $IceMark2’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $IceMark2)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price and $IceLayers > 10)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|mk2>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?mk2)[(set:$IceMark2’s Active to true)(set:$RaiseGrit’s chrometown to it + 5)(set:$Purchase to $IceMark2)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
]](if:$GangVlog’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $GangVlog)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|vlog>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?vlog)[(set:$Purchase to $GangVlog)(set:$GangVlog’s Active to true)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$GangAdLook’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $GangAdLook)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|adpatch>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?adpatch)[(set:$Purchase to $GangAdLook)(set:$GangAdLook’s Active to true)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$AddGang’s Extant < 5)[(set:_listitem to $AddGang)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|addgang>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?addgang)[(set:$Purchase to $AddGang)(set:$AddGang’s Extant to it + 1)(goto:”Add New Gang”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$GangPublicity’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $GangPublicity)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|gangtour>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?gangtour)[(set:$Purchase to $GangPublicity)(set:$GangPublicity’s Active to true)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$CodeReport2’s Active is true and $DefenseICE’s Active is true and $DefenseGangs’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $DefenseGangs)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|milgangs>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?milgangs)[(set:$Purchase to $DefenseGangs)(set:$DefenseGangs’s Active to true)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$DefenseGangs’s Active is true and $DefenseRFP’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $DefenseRFP)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|defenserfp>[(display:”Generic Proposal Listing”)]</div>(click:?defenserfp)[(set:$EndTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)(set:$DefenseRFP’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $DefenseRFP)(set:$Revenue – $DefenseRFP’s Price)(goto:”Defense Proposal”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
] |hide)[(set:_listitem to $AddGang)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|addgang>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?addgang)[(set:$Purchase to $AddGang)(goto:”Add New Gang”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
(if:$GangProtection’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $GangProtection)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|protection>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?protection)[(set:$Purchase to $GangProtection)(set:$GangProtection’s Active to true)(set:$DuesModifier to it + 1)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]](if:$GangProtection’s Active is true and $GangSummit’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $GangSummit)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|summit>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?summit)[(set:$Purchase to $GangSummit)(set:$GangSummit’s Active to true)(set:$DuesModifier to it + 2)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]]]{ (set:$GangInactive to $GangMaster)
(set:$GangActive to (a:”The Turbo Foxes”))
(set:$GangCount to 1)
(set:$GangChoice to (dm: “Choice”,0
(set:$Gang1 to (dm: “Name”,”The Turbo Foxes”, “Activity”,”Bored”, “Licensing”,”None”
(set:$Gang2 to (dm: “Name”,”None”, “Activity”,”Bored”, “Licensing”,”None”
(set:$Gang3 to (dm: “Name”,”None”, “Activity”,”Bored”, “Licensing”,”None”
(set:$Gang4 to (dm: “Name”,”None”, “Activity”,”Bored”, “Licensing”,”None”
(set:$Gang5 to (dm: “Name”,”None”, “Activity”,”Bored”, “Licensing”,”None”
(set:$GangList to (a:$Gang1)) (set:$AddGang to (dm: “Name”,”Found New Gang”, “Price”,800, “Description”,”Found a new gang for Blade City (Max Gangs: 5).”, “Extant”,1,
)) (set:$GangVlog to (dm: “Name”,”Vlogging Cameras”, “Price”,200, “Description”,”Modify off-the-shelf cameras with carbon-fiber housings and unnecessary diode lights, letting gangs record their escapades for Xoxl’s social media feed and briefly doubling ad sale prices.”, “Active”,false
)) (set:$GangAdLook to (dm: “Name”,”Sponsored Jacket Patches”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Translate traditional ads into cool-looking logos that gang members can wear ironically, reducing campaigns’ impact on grittiness to 5%.”, “Active”,false
)) (set:$GangPublicity to (dm: “Name”,”Promotional Tour”, “Price”,1000, “Description”,”Let gangs take publicity tours outside Blade City. This will draw 10 to 15 residents to the Crystal Abattoir, and their arrival will not negatively impact the district’s grittiness.”, “Active”,false
)) (set:$DefenseGangs to (dm: “Name”,”Militarize Gangs”, “Price”,10000, “Description”,”Covertly use Defense Department resources to prototype meta-code applications for vastly increasing the offensive powers of conventional weapons and test them on Blade City’s gangs.”, “Active”,false
)) (set:$DefenseRFP to (dm: “Name”,”DARPA Meeting”, “Price”,500, “Description”,”Travel to Washington, DC to accept a meeting with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.”, “Active”,false
}<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”bottom-row”> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>NIGHT ALLEY</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagNA[(print:$LocGritty’s nightalley)% Grittiness]</p> <p>Licensing: (print:$LicRevenue) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”R&D”)[(goto:”Develop Technology”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s nightalley is $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s nightalley)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s nightalley)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s nightalley * $LocDuesMod’s nightalley) nanits/day</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>CHROMETOWN</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagCT[(print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)% Grittiness]</p> <p>ICE Mk. I: (if:$LoseICE’s Active is true and $RepairICE’s Active is false and $IceLayers is 1)[(text-color:”red”)[(text-style:”blink”)[(print:$IceLayers) layer]]](else:)[(print:$IceLayers) layer(unless:$IceLayers is 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”ICE”)[(goto:”Build ICE”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s chrometown is $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s chrometown)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s chrometown)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s chrometown * $LocDuesMod’s chrometown) nanits/day</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>THE CRYSTAL ABATTOIR</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagCA[(print:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir)% Grittiness]</p> <p>Gangs: (print:$GangList’s length)</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”Gangs”)[(goto:”Call Gang”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir is $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir * $LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir) nanits/day</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <div class=”endday”>(link:”END DAY”)[(goto:”End Period”)]</div> </div> </div>
</div> <div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”bottom-row”> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>NIGHT ALLEY</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagNA[(print:$LocGritty’s nightalley)% Grittiness]</p> <p>Licensing: (print:$LicRevenue) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”R&D”)[(goto:”Develop Technology”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s nightalley is $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s nightalley)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s nightalley)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s nightalley * $LocDuesMod’s nightalley) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Ads: (print:$AdPrice’s nightalley) nanits/day</p> <p>(if:$AdLocation’s nightalley is “None”)[No Campaign Set](else:)[(print:$AdLocation’s nightalley) – (print:$AdCountdown’s nightalley) day(if:$AdCountdown’s nightalley > 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (if:$AdLocation’s nightalley is “None” and $LocGritty’s nightalley > 0)[(link:”Ads”)[(set:$InfLoc to “Night Alley”)(set:$AdRates to $AdRatesNA)(goto:”Place Influence”)]] </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>CHROMETOWN</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagCT[(print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)% Grittiness]</p> <p>ICE Mk. I: (if:$LoseICE’s Active is true and $RepairICE’s Active is false and $IceLayers is 1)[(text-color:”red”)[(text-style:”blink”)[(print:$IceLayers) layer]]](else:)[(print:$IceLayers) layer(unless:$IceLayers is 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”ICE”)[(goto:”Build ICE”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s chrometown is $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s chrometown)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s chrometown)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s chrometown * $LocDuesMod’s chrometown) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Ads: (print:$AdPrice’s chrometown) nanits/day</p> <p>(if:$AdLocation’s chrometown is “None” and $LocGritty’s chrometown > 0)[No Campaign Set](else:)[(print:$AdLocation’s chrometown) – (print:$AdCountdown’s chrometown) day(if:$AdCountdown’s chrometown > 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (if:$AdLocation’s chrometown is “None”)[(link:”Ads”)[(set:$AdRates to $AdRatesCT)(set:$InfLoc to “Chrometown”)(goto:”Place Influence”)]] </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <h1>THE CRYSTAL ABATTOIR</h1> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>$GritFlagCA[(print:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir)% Grittiness]</p> <p>Gangs: (print:$GangList’s length)</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> (link:”Gangs”)[(goto:”Call Gang”)] </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Population: (if:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir is $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)[(text-color:”red”)[(print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)]](else:)[(print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir)/(print:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)]</p> <p>Dues: (print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir * $LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir) nanits/day</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”> </div> </div> <div class=”group”> <div class=”group-text”> <p>Ads: (print:$AdPrice’s crystalabattoir) nanits/day</p> <p>(if:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir is “None”)[No Campaign Set](else:)[(print:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir) – (print:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir) day(if:$AdCountdown’s crystalabattoir > 1)[s]]</p> </div> <div class=”group-button”>(if:$AdLocation’s crystalabattoir is “None” and $LocGritty’s crystalabattoir > 0)[(link:”Ads”)[(set:$AdRates to $AdRatesCA)(set:$InfLoc to “Crystal Abattoir”)(goto:”Place Influence”)]] </div> </div> </div> <div class=”bottom-row-div”> <div class=”endday”>(link:”END DAY”)[(goto:”End Period”)]</div> </div> </div>
(set:$NameArray to (a:)) (set:$MarketNames to (a:”New Rose Market”,”Blighttown”,”Cheapside”,”Cathedral Gardens”,”Orbital Expo”,”Cosmosphere”,”Osalisk”,”Chronopolis”,”Low Street”,”Mondo Fleamarket”,”Junkhut”,”Widowswalk”,”Subterraneum”))
(set:$MarketBuilt to (a:))
(set:$HotelNames to (a:”The Roxy”,”The Gun Club”,”The Ultravox”,”The Blitz”,”The Opera House”,”The Nexus”,”The Bauhaus”,”The Haunt”,”The Tremere”,”The Tombs”,”The Pale Horse”,”The Dollhouse”,”The Beldame”,”The Hexen”,”The Guignol Grin”))
(set:$HotelBuilt to (a:))
(set:$LairNames to (a:”The Fish Laundry”,”Corvis Cyber-Mill”,”Rare Earths Syndicate LLC, Inc.”,”Garment-Rending Factory”,”French Orbital Warehouse”,”The Logarithm Docks”,”The Algorithm Docks”,”The Hyperbole Docks”,”A Battered Shipping Crate”,”The Meathouse”,”The Hair Farm”,”Industrial Origami”,”Nameless Dark Pit”))
(set:$LairBuilt to (a:))
(set:$GangNames to (a:”The Silicone Knights”,”The Jet Dragons”,”The Crystal Cats”,”The Steel Spiders”,”The Scarlettos”,”The Killjoys”,”The Mo-dettes”,”The Ur-Orphans”,”The Opalists”,”The Bloody Randos”,”The Napalm Hearts”,”The Strangeloves”,”The Laser Mice”))
(set:$GangBuilt to (a:”The Turbo Foxes”)) (set:$RivalCorpNames to (a:”Maelis”,”Psilodyne”,”Texarkanix”,”Zynstrum”,”Amalgamated Science”,”Thaumagen”,”Harusp-Tomeini”,”Solistryll”,”Thrun-Phantas”,”Idyllon”)) (set:$AdCampaign to (a:”Vaporized Oxytocin”,”Scissor Vodka”,”Barkly Dog Phones”,”FloorFruit Dried Roaches”,”SoupFindr”,”Smart Toilet Paper”,”WeJuicr Social Blender”,”Kidzly Zygote Tutor”,”Laundrify SmartSoap”,”Vaxxaway Bleach Pills”,”The Moon Channel”,”BattleDuty: Cop War 3″,”Myborhood”,”Forevr Student Loans”,”ZDrop Sedition Tracker”,”Home Polio Treatments”,”BUY GOLD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!”,”Permatemp Job Network”,”My Immortal: The Musical”,”RyeCatchr”,”5G-Blocking Tinfoil”))
(set:$LuxuryCampaign to (a:”Scissor Premium Vodka”,”BUY IRIDIUM NOW!!!!!!!!!”,”SafeHome Reaper Drones”,”Solid Diamond Watches”,”Fréthink Speech Corner”,”The FleshPhone”,”Mouseleather Sunglasses”,”No Russian: The Musical”,”Platinum Vein Cleanser”,”SoMa Militia Handbook”)) (set:$GunList to (a:”Quantum Flechette”,”Vibro-Katana”,”Nekofilament”,”Shuriken Drone”,”Orbital Flail”,”Digimon”,”Scenekiller”,”Murder Orb”,”Laserglaive”,”Hellburner”,”Cybermusket”,”Flame Dog”,”Pulse Bow”,”Mancatcher”,”Triforce”,”Poison Lance”,”Razor Cannon”,”Void Pick”,”Deathnail”,”Drama Knife”,”Scourgegun”,”Beat Saber”,”Macassar”)) (set:$GunPrefix to (a:”Super”,”Extra-Deadly”,”BFG”,”Mk. (random:1,30)”,”Mini”,”Camo”,”Tactical”,”Thermonuclear”)) (set:$DrugList to (a:”Bleachodin”,”Forget-Me-Now”,”Brainworms”,”Aspirin”,”Traumamine”,”Lucifex”,”Ludens”,”Hot Takes”,”Diableride”,”Dataviz”,”Crabgrass”,”Deathberries”,”Palehorse”,”Lithiode”,”Cambridge Amylitica”,”Skeuomorph”,”Pathologizole”,”Simulatria”,”Pirate Party”,”Monopolam”)) (set:$DrugSuffix to (a:”XR”,”Sulfide”,”Gen (random:1,30)”,”Phosphate”,”Amphetamine”,”But Better”,”For Men”,”For Women”)) }<div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><div class=”option-RD”>CHROMETOWN</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>Chrometown is an Escher’s staircase of cheap bars, coffin hotels, and cybertech parlors. Its residents spend most of their time horizontal — jacked into their drug of choice, the vector mandalas of cyberspace. There are (print:$LocPop’s chrometown) of them, and the district can take (if:$LocPop’s chrometown is $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)[no](else:)[(print:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown – $LocPop’s chrometown)] more. (if:$HotelBuilt’s length > 0)[You have built (print:$HotelBuilt’s length) hotel(if:$HotelBuilt’s length > 1)[s]: (print:$HotelBuilt)] (if:$AddHotel’s Extant < 5)[(set:_listitem to $AddHotel)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|hotel>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?hotel)[(set:$NameType to “hotel”)(set:$Purchase to $AddHotel)(set:$Revenue to it – $Purchase’s Price)(set:$AddHotel’s Extant to it + 1)(set:$LocMaxPop’s chrometown to it + $AddHotel’s Pop)(set:$AddHotel’s Pop to (round:$AddHotel’s Pop * 1.2))(set:$AddHotel’s Price to (round:$AddHotel’s Price * 1.2))(goto:”Name Location”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$TargetAds’s Active is true and $LuxuryAds’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $LuxuryAds)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|luxads>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?luxads)[(set:$LuxuryAds’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $LuxuryAds)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$TransitCT’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $TransitCT)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|rail>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?rail)[(set:$TransitCT’s Active to true)(set:$LocDuesMod’s chrometown to it * 2)(set:$Purchase to $TransitCT)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
]</div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><div class=”option-RD”>NIGHT ALLEY</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>Night Alley is a teetering nest of artificially aged towers strung with gibberish pseudo-Japanese neon signs. It has (print:$LocPop’s nightalley) residents and can take (if:$LocPop’s nightalley is $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)[no](else:)[(print:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley – $LocPop’s nightalley)] more. (if:$MarketBuilt’s length > 0)[You have built (print:$MarketBuilt’s length) market(if:$MarketBuilt’s length > 1)[s]: (print:$MarketBuilt)] (if:$AddMarket’s Extant < 5)[(set:_listitem to $AddMarket)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|market>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?market)[(set:$NameType to “market”)(set:$Purchase to $AddMarket)(set:$Revenue to it – $Purchase’s Price)(set:$AddMarket’s Extant to it + 1)(set:$LocMaxPop’s nightalley to it + $AddMarket’s Pop)(set:$AddMarket’s Pop to (round:$AddMarket’s Pop * 1.2))(set:$AddMarket’s Price to (round:$AddMarket’s Price * 1.2))(goto:”Name Location”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]](if:$TransitNA’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $TransitNA)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|rail>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?rail)[(set:$TransitNA’s Active to true)(set:$LocDuesMod’s nightalley to it * 2)(set:$Purchase to $TransitNA)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
](if:$PopupShops’s Active is false)[(set:_listitem to $PopupShops)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|shops>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?shops)[(set:$PopupShops’s Active to true)(set:$Purchase to $PopupShops)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]
]</div><div class=”section”>(link:”HOME”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
<div class=”mainTable”> <div class=”top-row”> <div class=”top-row-1″> <div class=”top-row-item”><img src=”https://assets.codepen.io/2032541/cyberpunkland-XOXL_Icon_2-01.png”>
</div><div class=”vl”></div> <div class=”top-row-item”><div class=”option-RD”>CRYSTAL ABATTOIR</div></div><div class=”vl”></div></div> <div class=”top-row-2″> <div class=”top-row-funds”>Total Funds: $FundsFont[(print:$Revenue)] nanits</div> </div></div>
</div><div class=”normalbox”>The Crystal Abattoir was once a thriving industrial district — technically, for 48 hours during Blade City’s construction. Now it is a jungle of cracked asphalt, cavernous warehouses, and geodesic combat domes. There are (print:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir) gang members, and the district can take (if:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir is $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)[no](else:)[(print:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir – $LocPop’s crystalabattoir)] more. (if:$LairBuilt’s length > 0)[You have built (print:$LairBuilt’s length) lair(if:$LairBuilt’s length > 1)[s]: (print:$LairBuilt)] (if:$AddLair’s Extant < 4)[(set:_listitem to $AddLair)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|lair>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?lair)[(set:$NameType to “gang”)(set:$Purchase to $AddLair)(set:$Revenue to it – $Purchase’s Price)(set:$AddLair’s Extant to it + 1)(set:$LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir to it + $AddLair’s Pop)(set:$AddLair’s Pop to (round:$AddLair’s Pop * 1.2))(set:$AddLair’s Price to (round:$AddLair’s Price * 1.2))(goto:”Name Location”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]](if:$TransitCA’s Active is false)[
(set:_listitem to $TransitCA)(if:$Revenue >= _listitem’s Price)[<div class=”upgradebox”>|rail>[(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)]</div>(click:?rail)[(set:$TransitCA’s Active to true)(set:$LocDuesMod’s crystalabattoir to it * 2)(set:$Purchase to $TransitCA)(goto:”Buy Special”)]](else:)[<div class=”upgradelocked”>(display:”Generic Upgrade Listing”)</div>]] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Select a name for your (if:$NameType is “market”)[(set:$MarketNames to (shuffled:…$MarketNames))(set:$NameArray to $MarketNames)legally dubious market](else-if:$NameType is “hotel”)[(set:$HotelNames to (shuffled:…$HotelNames))(set:$NameArray to $HotelNames)capsule hotel](else-if:$NameType is “gang”)[(set:$LairNames to (shuffled:…$LairNames))(set:$NameArray to $LairNames)abandoned industrial facility](else-if:$NameType is “rival”)[(set:$RivalCorpNames to (shuffled:…$RivalCorpNames))(set:$NameArray to $RivalCorpNames)scrappy rival corporation]: |name>[(print:$NameArray’s 1st)] (link-repeat:”Something Else???”)[(set:$NameArray to (rotated:-1,…$NameArray))(replace:?name)[(print:$NameArray’s 1st)]] {
(link:”Go with this!!!”)[ (if:$NameType is “market”)[ (set:$MarketNames to it – (a:$NameArray’s 1st)) (set:$MarketBuilt to it + (a:$NameArray’s 1st)) ] (else-if:$NameType is “hotel”)[ (set:$HotelNames to it – (a:$NameArray’s 1st)) (set:$HotelBuilt to it + (a:$NameArray’s 1st)) ] (else-if:$NameType is “gang”)[ (set:$LairNames to it – (a:$NameArray’s 1st)) (set:$LairBuilt to it + (a:$NameArray’s 1st)) ] (else-if:$NameType is “rival”)[ (set:$RivalCorpActive to $NameArray’s 1st) ] (goto:”Confirm Named”)]
} </div><div class=”specialbox”>Creation of (print:$NameArray’s 1st) confirmed. (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div>{
(set:$LocPopChange to (dm: “nightalley”,0, “chrometown”,0, “crystalabattoir”,0
(set:$LocDayGrade to (dm: “nightalley”,0, “chrometown”,0, “crystalabattoir”,0
(set:$PopShiftFlag to (dm: “S”,90, “A”,75, “B”,50, “C”,40, “D”,1, “F”,0
)) (set:$TempFlag to $LocGritty’s nightalley)
(display:”Population Macro 1″)
(set:$LocDayGrade’s nightalley to $TempGrade)
(set:$LocPopChange’s nightalley to $PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade)
(if:$LocPopChange’s nightalley > 0 and $PopupShops’s Active is true)[(set:$LocPopChange’s nightalley to it * 2)]
(set:$LocPop’s nightalley to it + $LocPopChange’s nightalley)
(if:$LocPop’s nightalley < 1)[(set:$LocPop’s nightalley to 0)]
(set:$PopTempName to “Night Alley”)
(if:$LocPop’s nightalley > $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)[(set:$LocPop’s nightalley to $LocMaxPop’s nightalley)(set:$TempFull to true)]
}$Title[”Night Alley: (print:$LocGritty’s nightalley)% Grittiness” – (display:”Grade Badges”)] (display:”Population Macro 2″) (if:$TempFull is false)[(if:$LocGritty’s nightalley >= $PopShiftFlag’s S)[ An influx of inexperienced newcomers will reduce grittiness by (set:_gritadd to (random:25,30))(print:_gritadd)%.(set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to it – _gritadd)](else-if:$LocGritty’s nightalley >= $PopShiftFlag’s A)[ A large influx of inexperienced newcomers will reduce grittiness by (set:_gritadd to (random:15,20))(print:_gritadd)%.(set:$LocGritty’s nightalley to it – _gritadd)](else-if:$LocGritty’s nightalley >= $PopShiftFlag’s B)[ The trickle of inexperienced newcomers will not affect the city’s atmosphere.]]{
(set:$TempFlag to $LocGritty’s chrometown)
(display:”Population Macro 1″)
(set:$LocDayGrade’s chrometown to $TempGrade)
(set:$LocPopChange’s chrometown to $PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade)
(set:$LocPop’s chrometown to it + $LocPopChange’s chrometown)
(if:$LocPop’s chrometown < 1)[(set:$LocPop’s chrometown to 0)]
(set:$PopTempName to “Chrometown”)
(if:$LocPop’s chrometown > $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)[(set:$LocPop’s chrometown to $LocMaxPop’s chrometown)(set:$TempFull to true)]
}$Title[”Chrometown: (print:$LocGritty’s chrometown)% Grittiness” – (display:”Grade Badges”)] (display:”Population Macro 2″) (if:$TempFull is false)[(if:$LocGritty’s chrometown >= $PopShiftFlag’s S)[ An influx of inexperienced newcomers will reduce grittiness by (set:_gritadd to (random:25,30))(print:_gritadd)%.(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it – _gritadd)](else-if:$LocGritty’s chrometown >= $PopShiftFlag’s A)[ A large influx of inexperienced newcomers will reduce grittiness by (set:_gritadd to (random:15,20))(print:_gritadd)%.(set:$LocGritty’s chrometown to it – _gritadd)](else-if:$LocGritty’s chrometown >= $PopShiftFlag’s B)[ The trickle of inexperienced newcomers will not affect the city’s atmosphere.]]{
(set:$TempFlag to $LocGritty’s crystalabattoir)
(display:”Population Macro 1″)
(set:$LocDayGrade’s crystalabattoir to $TempGrade)
(set:$LocPopChange’s crystalabattoir to $PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade)
(set:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir to it + $LocPopChange’s crystalabattoir)
(if:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir < 1)[(set:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir to 0)]
(set:$PopTempName to “The Crystal Abattoir”)
(if:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir > $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)[(set:$LocPop’s crystalabattoir to $LocMaxPop’s crystalabattoir)(set:$TempFull to true)]
}$Title[”The Crystal Abattoir: (print:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir)% Grittiness” – (display:”Grade Badges”)] (display:”Population Macro 2″) (if:$TempFull is false)[(if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir >= $PopShiftFlag’s S)[ An influx of inexperienced newcomers will reduce grittiness by (set:_gritadd to (random:25,30))(print:_gritadd)%.(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it – _gritadd)](else-if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir >= $PopShiftFlag’s A)[ A large influx of inexperienced newcomers will reduce grittiness by (set:_gritadd to (random:15,20))(print:_gritadd)%.(set:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir to it – _gritadd)](else-if:$LocGritty’s crystalabattoir >= $PopShiftFlag’s B)[ The trickle of inexperienced newcomers will not affect the city’s atmosphere.]](set:$TempFull to false)
(if:$TempFlag >= $PopShiftFlag’s S)[(set:$TempGrade to “S”)](else-if:$TempFlag >= $PopShiftFlag’s A)[(set:$TempGrade to “A”)](else-if:$TempFlag >= $PopShiftFlag’s B)[(set:$TempGrade to “B”)](else-if:$TempFlag >= $PopShiftFlag’s C)[(set:$TempGrade to “C”)](else-if:$TempFlag >= $PopShiftFlag’s D)[(set:$TempGrade to “D”)](else-if:$TempFlag >= $PopShiftFlag’s F)[(set:$TempGrade to “F”)]
(set:$PopShiftRange to (dm: “S”,(random:10,15), “A”,(random:5,8), “B”,(random:1,3), “C”,0, “D”,(random:-1,-3), “F”,(random:-3,-6)
))(if:$PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade > 0)[(print:$PopTempName)’s immersiveness has drawn (if:$PopTempName is “Night Alley” and $PopupShops’s Active is true)[(print:$PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade * 2)](else:)[(print:$PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade)] new cyberpunk(if:$PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade > 1)[s] to apply for residence. (if:$TempFull is true)[The district is full, so they are turned away with no effect on the city’s atmosphere.]](else-if:$PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade < 0)[(print:$PopTempName)’s (if:$TempGrade is “F”)[terminal ]cleanliness has caused (print:($PopShiftRange’s $TempGrade * -1)) residents to leave.](else:)[(print:$PopTempName)’s population has remained steady.]<div class=”specialbox”>Meeting Minutes: Xoxl R&D, Lexomancy Division Ilphian researchers suggest that lexomancy could turn the meta-code communications portal into a bridge. By translating your “physical” brain and body into an abstract concept, you could escape your simulation’s bounds and inhabit the form of an outside entity. From your abstracted self’s subjective viewpoint, this transmission would be permanent. (link:”Close Minutes”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>(set:$SpecialTasks to it + 1)(set:$NewOfferAlert to true)Report on the Sunken City of Ilph Descending a vast smooth-walled cavern, Xoxl’s explorers discovered a staircase slick with water from an unseen spring. They traversed it, losing all sense of time and direction. Finally they spied a faint glow beneath the mist of the dark waterfall: the shielded torches of an ancient city. The expedition’s historian believes you have discovered the mythological city of Ilph. Ilph’s scholars conceived the art of lexomancy: the transmutation of physical objects into abstract concepts and back again. God sunk Ilph deep into the earth, but the city survived by folding a version of itself into legend, waiting millennia for a visitor who would inadvertently return it to its home. Ilph’s city government appears friendly and has established rudimentary communication lines with your expedition. (link:”Close Report”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Meeting Minutes: Xoxl-(print:$RivalCorpActive) Board of Directors Xoxl-(print:$RivalCorpActive) could apply meta-code to tweak and predict performance of financial, industrial, and mass media markets. Given your combined existing market power, this would quickly grant you overwhelmingly dominance in the global economy. What you do with this power is up to you. And your shareholders. (link:”Close Minutes”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Meeting Minutes: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency The American intelligence community has learned of your meta-code militarization program. In exchange for Xoxl’s continued operation, DARPA wishes to enhance the national missile defense program with your reality-bending weapons tech. (Secretarial note: the agency appears unaware that you would maintain control over the meta-code.) (link:”Close Minutes”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Meeting Minutes: Hacktivist Collective The hacktivists propose bending reality to avert a looming climate crisis. By tweaking simulation parameters, the collective could hold back rising sea levels and global temperatures. They could probably cure malaria and de-extinct some cute animals while they’re at it. Humanity is losing the Earth. It’s time to rig the game. (link:”Close Minutes”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>You are a thing that you cannot describe. You remember meeting the lexomancers and becoming the idea of yourself. You remember an immaculate blankness. Now… You see a world but can name nothing. Your body has a different shape and different limbs. You might call its motion a *shiver*, a *burst*, a *blink*. You blinkburstshiver across (what you will call) the room (although the word is incorrect). In one far (what you will call a) corner, you see something else — another body like your own. And in appendages that you decide you will call eyes, you see a flicker of impossible colors. You hope that means they trust you. (link:”But should they? You’re not sure.”)[(goto:”Game End”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Once, your city was a haven from the outside world. Now, your city *is* the world. Xoxl-(print:$RivalCorpActive) holds an iron grip on the global economy. The concept of the nation-state is obsolete — a threadbare shroud for aging politicians. Across the planet, as well as Xoxl’s newly founded space colonies, some citizens live and die in run-down and heavily surveilled company towns. Others scrabble for success in a shadowy demimonde, snapping at your heels with stolen tech and criminal connections. At long last, the hip and gritty amenities of Blade City are available to everyone. Whether they like it or not. (link:”Time for the corporate hymn hour.”)[(goto:”Game End”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Cyberpunk is so passé. With the entire US government and military under your thumb, it’s time to build a happier retro-future. Subsidized high-rise districts linked with glass skybridges. Murals of workers in gold jumpsuits. New global leadership. A total internet shutdown. Better living through chemistry. Nuclear-powered high-speed rail networks. Three channels on television. Jetpacks and flying cars. Some people might chafe under your new world’s squeaky-clean monoculture. But really, was the old one any less oppressive? Besides… if those naysayers have the dollar-credits, they can always go live in Blade City. (link:”Your hovercar is waiting.”)[(goto:”Game End”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Who knew changing the fabric of reality would be so hard? You freeze the planet on your first attempt to save it. You fry it on the second. On the third you evolve some kind of hyperintelligent werecat while repopulating a snow leopard colony, and that ends about as well as you might guess. Fortunately, the hacktivists have developed excellent version control for rollbacks. You patched out your mortality a few dozen Earths ago. With every failed attempt you get a little closer to a solution, and a little more outraged at all the suffering that takes just a few meta-code tweaks to fix. You have rewritten your world a hundred times. You will rewrite it a thousand more if necessary. (link:”Someday, you’re going to make things right.”)[(goto:”Game End”)] </div><div class=”specialcenterbox”><div class=”titlescreen”>CYBERPUNKLAND</div> Writing and game design by Adi Robertson
Art by Alex Castro
Interface design by Alex Castro and William Joel Special thanks to: Charles Pratt <div class=”endday”>(link:”STATISTICS”)[(goto:”Game Stats”)]
</div><div class=”simconvobox”>|responsedotcode>[Contact Initiated With Host. Beginning Transmission…] |calldotcode>[]{
(link:”Hello? Anybody there?”)[(set:$linkround to it + 1)(set:$NextCall to “:: Textual Response: Query Presence Of Host :: Subtextual Response: Confusion/concern (Synesthetic Approximation: A Redder Version Of The Color Teal)”)(set:$NextResponse to “:: Generalized Reaction: Alerted/curious (Aqua) To Presence Of Persona Module”)(set:$dotrounds to 2)(replace:?calldotcode)[(display:”Call Dots”)]] |link1)[(link:”Who are you? What is this?”)[(set:$linkround to it + 1)(set:$NextCall to “:: Textual Response: Query Identity Of Host And Nature Of Communications Channel :: Subtextual Response: Yearning (Pastel Violet) For Host To Take Charge Of Conversation And Provide Answers :: Generalized Reaction: Confusion (Teal)”)(set:$NextResponse to “:: Textual Response: Humor The Persona Module With A Vague (Transparent Pink) Error Message :: System-wide Response: Query Persona’s World Simulation Code For Corruption :: Subtextual Response: Fascination (Cerulean) That Persona Model May Be Accessing Direct Simulation Code”)(set:$dotrounds to 2)(replace:?calldotcode)[(display:”Call Dots”)]]] |link2)[(link:”Persona module? Is that me? And simulation…”)[(set:$linkround to it + 1)(set:$NextCall to “:: Textual Response: Rewording Of Host’s Previous Statement In The Form Of A Question :: Generalized Reaction: Growing Dread (Dull Navy)”)(set:$NextResponse to “:: Subtextual Response: Regret (Indigo) Use Of The Word ‘simulation’, Which Implies An Attempted Representation Of Something Real, Rather Than A Deliberately Constructed Fantasy With Internally Consistent But Entirely Unrealistic Mechanics”)(set:$dotrounds to 2)(replace:?calldotcode)[(display:”Call Dots”)]]] |link3)[(link:”What do you mean, ‘fantasy’? And forget who. *What* are you?”)[(set:$linkround to it + 1)(set:$NextCall to “:: Textual Response: Focus On Irrelevant Semantic Details :: Generalized Reaction: Deep And Full-fledged Dread (Dull Navy)”)(set:$NextResponse to “:: Textual Response: Polite But Distracted Brushoff :: Generalized Reaction: Annoyance (Bottle Green) At Inadequacy Of ‘human’-class Persona Communication Methods :: Action: Terminate Connection”)(set:$dotrounds to 2)(replace:?calldotcode)[(display:”Call Dots”)]]] |link4)[(link:”No! I have more questions…”)[(replace:?responsedotcode)[Connection Terminated](live:1s)[(replace:?calldotcode)[(link:”Close Connection”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]](stop:)]]] }</div><div class=”specialbox”>Report on the Coding Anomaly We’ve reverse-engineered a fragment of the anomalous code. But its apparent source is not a computer system — the AI retrieved it while calibrating an espresso machine in Xoxl’s employee lounge. As far as we know, the code was extracted from *the molecular structure of coffee itself.* In the interests of science, we visited several restaurants in the neighboring metropolitan area. Sampling dishes with Xoxl’s nutritional analyzers produced similar code samples, as did calibrating an industrial Xoxl cutting machine on various plastics, fabrics, and metals ordered online. To put things simply: our AI has just discovered the code that makes reality tick, inside and outside Blade City. And *somebody* has to be writing it. (link:”Close Report”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Analysis of an Anomalous Conversation An AI analysis of your conversation via anomalous code channel is complete, and we believe it provides a fuller picture of the situation. We conclude that our universe is a simulation, in the sense of an immersive experience following a ruleset that we’ve dubbed ‘meta-code’. However, it is not necessarily a *simulacrum* of a ‘real’ experience — in the sense that, say, *Tetris* is not an attempt to accurately recreate the process of bricklaying. Unfortunately, we have no idea what the world outside our simulation looks like. While this is admittedly existentially unsettling, it also provides opportunities. The simulation’s creators show no apparent interest in hindering our meta-code research. With sufficient preparation, we could learn not only to read meta-code, but to edit it. The benefits to this are presumably obvious. (link:”Close Report”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div>Host: |responsedots>[]{
(set:$dotrepeat to it + 1)
(live:.2s)[ (append:?responsedots)[.] (set:$dotpos to it + 1) (if:$dotpos is 3)[ (set:$dotpos to 0) (live:.5s)[(replace:?responsedots)[](stop:)] (if:$dotrounds > $dotrepeat)[ (live:1s)[ (replace:?responsedotcode)[(display:”Response Dots”)] (stop:)] ] (else:)[ (set:$dotrepeat to 0) (live:1s)[(print:$NextResponse)(stop:)] (live:2s)[ (if:$linkround is 1)[(show:?link1)] (else-if:$linkround is 2)[(show:?link2)] (else-if:$linkround is 3)[(show:?link3)] (else-if:$linkround is 4)[(show:?link4)] (stop:)] ] (stop:) ] ]
}Approximate Meta-Code Translation: |calldots>[]{
(set:$dotrepeat to it + 1)
(live:.2s)[ (append:?calldots)[.] (set:$dotpos to it + 1) (if:$dotpos is 3)[ (set:$dotpos to 0) (live:.5s)[(replace:?calldots)[](stop:)] (if:$dotrounds > $dotrepeat)[ (live:1s)[ (replace:?calldotcode)[(display:”Call Dots”)] (stop:)] ] (else:)[ (set:$dotrepeat to 0) (live:1s)[(print:$NextCall)(stop:)] (live:2s)[ (show:?continuelink) (stop:)] ] (stop:) ] ]
} |continuelink)[(link:”Submit”)[(set:$dotrounds to 2)(replace:?responsedotcode)[(display:”Response Dots”)](replace:?calldotcode)[]]]”(print:_listitem’s Name)”
(print:_listitem’s Description)<div class=”specialbox”>{
(set:$Revenue to it – $RivalMerger’s Price)
(set:$LicRevenue to it + 1000)
}Your merger is complete! Xoxl and (print:$RivalCorpActive) are now Xoxl-(print:$RivalCorpActive). You will receive 1,000 nanits/day in additional licensing revenue. You can also communicate with total confidentiality and act with unity of purpose, should any particularly sensitive information come to light. The business world wishes you a happy future together. (link:”DRINK SOME CYBER-CHAMPAGNE”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)]
</div><div class=”specialbox”>Xoxl only has resources to fully develop one branch of meta-code. Are you sure you want to continue? (link:”Yes”)[(if:$PickEnding is “magic”)[(set:$Ending to $MagicEnding)(goto:”Cave City Ending”)](else-if:$PickEnding is “rival”)[(set:$Ending to $RivalEnding)(goto:”Rival Ending”)](else-if:$PickEnding is “defense”)[(set:$Ending to $DefenseEnding)(goto:”Defense Ending”)](else-if:$PickEnding is “hacker”)[(set:$Ending to $HackerEnding)(goto:”Hacker Ending”)]] (link:”No”)[(set:$PickEnding to 0)(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”><h2>GRITTINESS</h2> The primary goal in *Cyberpunkland* is to maintain Blade City’s grittiness. Low grittiness will cause residents to leave the city, and raising it will attract new cyberpunks and their dues. (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”><h2>ADVERTISING</h2> Blade City has three primary revenue sources: resident dues, intellectual property licensing, and advertising. By default, purchasing an ad campaign in a district will immediately reduce its grittiness by 10%. You will receive an immediate payout from the advertiser, as well as continuing payments for the next two days. Payments are locked in at the time of placement and are not affected by district changes over the following days. Ad rates are determined by the total population of a district, as well as by various modifiers that you can acquire throughout the game. (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div><div class=”specialbox”><h2>INFRASTRUCTURE</h2> You can build infrastructure to expand Blade City and improve the resident experience. Building district infrastructure can increase the population of Night Alley, Chrometown, or the Crystal Abattoir, as well as provide other district-specific upgrades. Building city services can increase dues and advertising rates across all districts. This category also includes special upgrades that will have long-term effects on Blade City. New options will be unlocked as the game progresses. (link:”Continue”)[(goto:”Home Screen”)] </div>(if:$TempGrade is “S”)[(css:”color:#cc33ff;”)[S]](else-if:$TempGrade is “A”)[(css:”color:#9999ff;”)[A]](else-if:$TempGrade is “B”)[(css:”color:#99ffff;”)[B]](else-if:$TempGrade is “C”)[(css:”color:#ffff33;”)[C]](else-if:$TempGrade is “D”)[(css:”color:#ff9900;”)[D]](else-if:$TempGrade is “F”)[(css:”color:#ff0000;”)[F]]</div>{
(set:$LuxuryCampaign to (shuffled: …$LuxuryCampaign))
(set:$CampLuxCost to ((random:$AdRates’s Min,$AdRates’s Max)*($AdRates’s Modifier * $AdRates’s PopMod * 4)))
}$Title[Luxury Influence Campaigns] Luxury campaigns pay more but will reduce grittiness by double, reminding many residents that they are in fact executives, angel investors, and thought leaders, not struggling console cowboys. (link:”(print:$LuxuryCampaign’s 1) – (print:$CampLuxCost) nanits/day”)[(set:$CampCost to $CampLuxCost)(set:$CampaignActive to $LuxuryCampaign’s 1)(set:$LuxOn to true)(goto:”Confirm Influence”)]<div class=”specialbox”>$BigTitle[Blade City Stats] $Title[Days managed:] (print:$Day)
$Title[Population:] (print:$TotalPop)
$Title[Final grittiness:] (print:$TotalGritty)%
$Title[Final daily revenue:] (print:$DuesRevenue + $InfRevenue + $LicRevenue) nanits/day $Title[Gangs managed:] (print:$GangBuilt)
$Title[Markets built:] (print:$MarketBuilt)
$Title[Coffin hotels built:] (print:$HotelBuilt)
$Title[Gang lairs built:] (print:$LairBuilt) $Title[Total drugs developed:] (print:$TotalDrugs)
$Title[Total weapons developed:] (print:$TotalGuns)
$Title[Total ICE layers constructed:] (print:$TotalICE) $Title[Endgame chosen:] (print:$Ending’s Name) (link:”Restart?”)[(reload:)] </div><div class=”specialbox”>Blade City’s population has dropped to zero! This is unsustainable for hopefully obvious reasons. A Xoxl crisis team will be conducting a full review of strategic errors made during the most recent financial quarter. It will also review past quarters’ high-spending “whales” to recruit a new slate of cyberpunks. Xoxl will require your full-time off-site participation during the review process. Snacks will be provided. (link:”SUMMON THE WHALES!!!”)[(reload:)]</div>(if:$SectionOn is true)[UNIFIED HEADER PAGE TK, IF WE DECIDE TO ADD IT]