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Custom Device Management: The Road Ahead for Businesses That Need More Than a Smartphone

Custom Device Management: The Road Ahead for Businesses That Need More Than a Smartphone

Modern-day Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions offer much more than basic device management features.

Today’s business world cannot imagine a day without technology. All global industrial sectors rely on smartphones and computers to drive communication, automation and accelerate business operations. While these smart devices have dominated the corporate world for long enough, businesses are now moving towards a much more personalized digital approach. The usage of simple smartphones, tablets or laptops is not enough, organizations today desire digital devices that are customized for their business needs.

Custom Devices for Diverse Businesses

Major sectors like healthcare, hospitality, retail, education and logistics have advanced towards custom-made devices to cater to their distinctive business needs. Take the logistics industry, for example, their needs are not fulfilled by regular smartphones, they need special Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) to be installed for a safe voyage and to optimize their operational efficiency. Similarly, construction and mining workers do not use smartphones for communication, they rather opt for custom-made devices like walkie-talkies. Hospitals, retail stores, hotels, movie theaters, airports, display information, provide online assistance, offer self-help kiosks and much more with digital devices customized for their individual needs. Since all digital corporate operations today revolve around the use of custom devices, businesses need to focus their attention on the efficient management of these custom devices.

How Can Businesses Leverage Simplified Custom Device Management?

Modern-day Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions offer much more than basic device management features, they empower businesses to turn commercial off-the-shelf devices into custom devices and offer extensive capabilities for custom device management.

  1. Kiosk Software
    Kiosk Mode is a capability that can be leveraged by businesses to lock down their MDM-managed devices into a single-app or multi-app mode to turn a regular device into a purpose-specific device. This feature is used heavily by various industries to create custom devices. Hospitals can create dedicated patient monitoring devices, logistics businesses can convert their tablets and smartphones into ELDs, delivery services can obtain dedicated GPS devices by locking their smartphones in location tracking single-app mode, retailers and shop owners can lock their tablets to obtain instant customized POS or digital signages, the hospitality industry can leverage informative or interactive kiosks and much more.
  2. Rugged Device Management
    Several major industrial sectors rely on a field force that works in remote and harsh environments. These outdoor environments often include heavy-duty operations and risks of hazards. Rugged devices are digital devices that are custom-made to withstand such harsh environments viz., construction sites, manufacturing units, mining sites, production lines, etc. MDM solutions offer extensive features to manage and secure these custom rugged devices to streamline IT operations for businesses.

What’s crucial is that modern-day MDM solutions like Scalefusion help you remotely provision, secure and manage your custom devices whether they are assigned to employees, or they are wall-mounted unattended devices. IT admins of every major industrial sector can provision their custom devices via Scalefusion’s unified console in terms of pushing business-specific applications and resources on the devices, applying device and data security policies to prevent data breaches and device misuse and gain comprehensive reports based on the device vitals to assess their devices’ health. Not only this, organizations can achieve greater operational efficiency with advanced features such as remote troubleshooting, automating tasks with workflows, configuring compliance alerts for various security incidents and much more.

Custom devices bring in loads of flexibility and personalization to the digital devices and help businesses level up their game, beyond just the use of basic smartphones. But only with the right device and endpoint management tools can businesses maintain their custom devices in a secure and well-monitored environment. Scalefusion MDM helps you achieve just the right custom device management with its elaborate feature set.

Schedule a free live demo here – https://scalefusion.com/book-a-demo/ and get all your questions answered.

Staff writer

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