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Country music star says he’s leaving the industry because ‘knowing Jesus’ is the ‘treasure’ of his life

Country music star says he’s leaving the industry because ‘knowing Jesus’ is the ‘treasure’ of his life

When Granger Smith performed his last country music concert on Saturday, he revealed the “real reason” he’s leaving the industry.

It’s because “knowing Jesus” and sharing his knowledge of Jesus with others is the “treasure of my life,” Smith said, according to Fox News. “And I want you to know this, so you can have him as your treasure too.”

Smith has now completed his final country music tour “Live a River” and is pursuing a master’s degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, which is a seminary for Baptist Christians to prepare to become pastors and ministers, per the Deseret News.


At the concert, Smith read Matthew 13:44, which says, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up, Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field,” per Fox News.

For Smith, being able to share about Jesus is the most important thing he could do.

“There is not another #1 song I can write, album I can release, sold out concert I can perform, that is more important than this,” Smith wrote on Instagram. “I don’t want the Granger Smith name to be famous, instead I want to proclaim the name of Christ! … I want Him to be known! And I want to know Him more. That is the real reason I’m leaving tour.”

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