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Collectors: Matt Chung of Gallery Ascend and Haus of Contemporary

Collectors: Matt Chung of Gallery Ascend and Haus of Contemporary

“I love multidisciplinary artists and how they could create sculptures, paintings and even frames by themselves.”

Tell us about the curation of artwork in your home. Describe your process of selecting which artworks you want to display in particular areas.

For my home, I tend to have fewer portraits, as it’s partly a Chinese superstition, but also the ease of looking at something repeatedly day and night, I feel like abstract works are the best for home. Also, I like to work on a color matching theme for every corner. As for my studio (featured in this article), it has a wider mix of variety, there is also a consistency with the color matching theme in each corner. I would always think about how visitors would feel when they enter each room or section, what should be the first piece that catch their eyes, and how pieces beside each other can introduce new dialogues around the work.

From figurative paintings to sculpture, your collection is varied. Do you tend to collect a specific medium of art, let’s say painting versus sculpture or do you have a more balanced approach?

I believe figurative paintings would definitely take up the majority of my collection. Although in recent years, I have tended to shift towards abstract works a bit more, but I have always loved sculptures as well, and with a large studio space, I do think apart from walls, there has to be highlights here and there. So sculptures or art editions from my friends’ companies like case studyo or Avant Arte would definitely be great fit to curate the right vibe in my home or studio.

Which artists do you find yourself buying work from the most? Are there particular reasons as to why you gravitate towards these artists?

I think Izumi Kato and Alicia Adamerovich. I love multidisciplinary artists and how they could create sculptures, paintings and even frames by themselves. Their level of creativity and skills still stun me every time time I look at their works.

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