Coldplay have recorded two songs for their Spotify Singles session. The first is an acoustic rendition of their Music of the Spheres single “Let Somebody Go,” and the second is a cover of the 2008 Kid Cudi song “Day ‘N’ Nite.” The cover features a brief interpolation of Cudi’s “Soundtrack 2 My Life.” Listen to it below.
“‘Day ‘N’ Nite’ I loved when it came out, and I still love love love it,” Chris Martin said in a statement. “This is the first time I think that we’ve really taken proper time to record a cover, because in my head I could hear a version of it quite different from the original, that hopefully just reinforces what a brilliant song it is. One way or another I hope that anyone listening will just think, ‘Wow, Kid Cudi is amazing.’”
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