There are few brands that rival Chanel when it comes to buying an investment handbag. The classic flap bags are not just a timeless wardrobe staple, they also increase in value over time. However, once you’ve made the decision to buy it how do you know which one is for you? From the high price tag to the sheer number of Chanel bags available, the decision can be daunting enough to make even Choupette’s hairs stand on end. And as the French fashion house brings out new iterations of the classics, as well as exciting one-off pieces, it just makes us want to own one even more.
Of course, most would probably say they’d like to buy the classic Chanel 2.55 flap bag. The iconic piece was first created by Coco Chanel herself when she got fed up of carrying her bag in her arms. To free herself up, she decided to borrow the idea of having straps, which she’d seen on a soldier’s bag. As per everything else Chanel created, it was a revolutionary take on the item, as all handbags for women up until that point were carried. The 2.55 bag was launched in 1955, hence the name. However, it wasn’t until the ’80s, when Karl Lagerfeld took the helm, that the double-C locks were introduced.