Source: Abbie Parr / Getty
After refusing to take the vaccine and risk forfeiting millions of dollars on his NBA contract, Golden State Warriors forward Andrew Wiggins finally got the jab, but don’t think for a second he’s happy about that fact.
CNN is reporting that after holding out on getting the vaccine for “personal reasons,” Wiggins finally gave in knowing he’d lose millions if he sat out the season. Saying it came down to getting the vaccine or not playing ball, Wiggins says he felt “forced” to get the shot and will now fear what will become of him in 10 years as conspiracy theorists say the vaccine will come back to haunt the vaccinated in about a decade.
What’s more interesting is that Wiggins got the Johnson & Johnson shot which some studies show may have more side effects than the Pfizer and Moderna options. We guess he wanted the one-shot one kill dose instead of having to get jabbed twice within a month. While he’s not throwing blame around about the new rule, he does have some pointed opinions about having to abide by the new mandates.
“They didn’t make the rule. But I guess to do certain stuff, to work, I guess you don’t own your body. That’s what it comes down to. If you want to work in society today, then I guess they made the rules of what goes in your body and what you do. Hopefully, there’s a lot of people out there that are stronger than me and keep fighting, stand for what they believe, and hopefully, it works out for them.”
Christ on crutches. People will truly believe the “research” being thrown out on the internet but not the advice of medical professionals from around the world. For the record, when white supremacists are trying to convince people of color not to take the vaccine while they’re vaccinated themselves, that should tell y’all something. Just sayin.’
Still, Wiggins knew it was more than just playing basketball for him as he doesn’t want to lose out on that NBA bag and is focused on building “generational wealth” for him and his children “So, I took the gamble, took the risk, and hopefully, like I said, I’m good.”
Guess we’ll find out in about a decade along with millions of other people around the world.
Kyrie Irving meanwhile is still out there refusing to partake in any kind of mandate requirements and is also at risk of losing up to $15 million this season if he doesn’t get vaccinated. Knowing Kyrie not only will he not get vaccinated, but he’ll use his off time this season to prove the earth is flat and the Hallow Earth theory is actually true. Should be an interesting few months.