In November of 2001, Pixar released Monsters, Inc. as its fourth film — creating a franchise that has been adored for decades. Commemorating its lovable characters, global lifestyle brand CASETiFY has designed a range of tech accessories that reference the movie. The brand is known for its far-reaching collaborations, recently tapping the likes of The Mandalorian, Daniel Arsham and The Office with its various collections.
CASETiFY’s thorough lineup of signature cases — including the Impact, Ultra Impact, Mirror, Ultra Compostable, Clear and Bounce Cases — don various thematic looks. These range from Monsters, Inc. ID cards to character looks to the hero piece of the collection: a limited-edition fur case inspired by Sulley. Other accessories start with a collectible AirPods Pro Case that replicates Mike Wazowski’s hard hat. Additional products have been designed for AirPods, AirTags, Apple Watch Bands, wireless chargers, MagSafe wallets, MacBooks and iPads — all taking on thematic presentations.
Pixar’s Monsters, Inc. x CASETiFY collection is set to be available via CASETiFY and the CASETiFY Co-Lab app on April 27. Prices for the range start at $38 USD and go up to $98 USD.
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