To be a Kate Bush fan in the early 2000s was to live through a drought. Bush hadn’t released an album since 1993’s The Red Shoes, and we were beginning to wonder if our Cornwall queen would ever gift us with new music. In 2005, she finally released her double album, Aerial, and it did not disappoint. She started the new era with the groovy and moody lead single, “King of the Mountain,” and kept it kooky with songs like “Pi,” where she sang the numerical digits of pi. But it’s “Sunset,” a piano ballad halfway through Aerial’s second disc, that really encapsulates the beauty of the collection. Just when you think the song will soothe you into a lovely slumber, it turns into an upbeat guitar number, with Bush living out her flamenco fantasy. —Chris Rudolph
Bop Shop: Kate Bush Edition
By wazup
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