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Bonobo and Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs Release Nostalgic “Heartbreak / 6000 Ft.” EP

Bonobo and Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs Release Nostalgic “Heartbreak / 6000 Ft.” EP

Bonobo and TEED will be releasing a 12″ vinyl of the EP to help fans jump right into the nostalgia.

In September, Bonobo and Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs (also known as TEED) released their ode to the Golden Age of New York nightlife, “Heartbreak.” This release served as the catalyst for Bonobo’s new label OUTLIER, which launched in partnership with Ninja Tune. The pair has no released their collaborative Heartbreak / 6000 Ft. EP.

Bonobo and TEED have a track record of impressing both fans and critiques alike and this EP is no exception. “Heartbreak” is a groovy breakbeat hit that cultivates a nostalgic feel by sampling Class Action‘s “Weekend.” “6000 Ft.,” on the other hand, feels more like both artist’s usual fare. Coming in at a slower pace, the subtle melodic elements feel like a nice dose of equal expression from Bonobo and TEED.

Playing further into the nostalgia, Heartbreak / 6000 Ft. is seeing a release on 12″ vinyl as well. Fans interested in embracing the classic disco feel further can snag a copy here.

Listen to Heartbreak / 6000 Ft. below.


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Spotify: spoti.fi/3mEnvhD


Facebook: facebook.com/totallyenormousextinctdinosaurs
Twitter: twitter.com/TEEDinosaurs
Instagram: instagram.com/teedinosaurs
Spotify: spoti.fi/3ks0YlP

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