Constant dread, an inability to tell waking from sleeping, and the fear that you’re going insane: Bo Burnham’s Inside and Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street already had a lot in common. Add location to that list, because as it turns out, Burnham filmed his new comedy special at the same house that Craven used for the exterior of 1428 Elm Street.
The revelation comes not from Burnham or anyone who worked on Craven’s film, but rather from that most modern of American pastimes: using Redfin to gawk at houses you can’t afford. A Los Angeles listing proudly advertised that, “Cinephiles will immediately recognize Wes Craven’s iconic Elm Street facade.” But to eagle-eyed internet sleuths, the inside (or should that be Inside?) looked familiar, too.
Message board posts connected the dots, zeroing in on one particular room with two windows and an unmistakable curved archway. It’s clearly the same room where Burnham filmed all of his special. And as Metro points out, Burnham’s girlfriend, the film director Lorene Scafaria (Hustlers), purchased the property for $2.1 million in 2013.
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Scafaria is now asking $3.25 million for the house. Some Burnham fans may be disappointed to know that while he was presenting the intense claustrophobia of Inside, the comedian could have taken a few steps through the properties’ many French doors and taken a refreshing dip in the large pool. Those same people must have been shocked to learn that Freddy Krueger isn’t real. Art does not have to be a documentary to be true, and Inside remains one of the most poignant representations of life under quarantine.
The music of Inside has been just as enduring as the Netflix comedy special, and on December 3rd Burnham will unveil physical editions of Inside (The Songs). Earlier this month, Phoebe Bridgers’ covered “That Funny Feeling” as a benefit for Texas abortion funds. But for reasons known only to the Recording Academy, Inside (The Songs) was declared ineligible for a Best Comedy Album Grammy Award.