Bill Callahan has shared the first song from his forthcoming album YTILAER, which is out October 14 via Drag City. Listen to the new song “Coyotes” below.
“We lived for awhile in a house in the hills,” Callahan said of the song in a statement. “Coyote hills. The coyotes would start their song at dawn. Dawn and dusk were their main appearance times. Our dog would sleep outside sometimes in the morning and our boy was still bite-size. The coyotes would come take notes, edging closer each day. Mornings on the kingsize outdoor daybed. Like a righteous floating tide the coyotes would drift into our world. Predator and prey, blurred. Past and present, blurred. The young, the aged are to be snatched and devoured. Past lives edge in closer to try to speak to us. Current lives eye the past ones like sleeping dogs. And love spans all, that is why the feeling is so deep—deeper than one lifetime.”
Revisit Pitchfork’s 2019 feature “Bill Callahan the Family Man.”
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