Benjamin Clementine, the musician who recently appeared as an actor in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, has announced his first new album since 2017’s I Tell a Fly. And I Have Been is out October 28 via Preserve Artists. Clementine is calling the album “part one,” with a second part set to arrive next year. Watch the video for the lead single “Genesis” below.
“And I Have Been was conceived during Covid,” Clementine said in a statement. “Like everyone, I was also confronted with a lot of lessons, complications and epiphanies to do with sharing my path with someone special. ‘Part One’ is just setting the scene, it’s the tip of the iceberg which sets the scene for ‘Part Two’, which goes deeper.” Clementine won the Mercury Prize for his debut album, 2014’s At Least for Now.
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And I Have Been:
01 Residue
02 Delighted
03 Difference
04 Genesis
05 Gypsy, BC
06 Atonement
07 Last Movement of Hope
08 Copening
09 Weakend
10 Auxiliary
11 Loveluster
12 Recommence

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