Beabadoobee has released the new song “10:36.” It’s the third single from the artist’s sophomore album Beatopia, following “Talk” and “Lovesong.” Take a listen below.
“‘10:36’ was written after Fake It Flowers and just before Our Extended Play, and I had envisioned it to be on that EP, but I was just sitting on that riff for ages and then I properly made a demo during lockdown,” Beabadoobee said in a press release. “It was called ‘10:36’ because that was the time I finished writing it. It’s basically about how I have this weird dependency on human contact to sleep.”
Beatopia is out July 15 via Dirty Hit. Read about Beabadoobee’s “Care” at No. 89 in Pitchfork’s “The 100 Best Songs of 2020.”
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