Source: Douglas P. DeFelice / Getty
The shortened NBA season just concluded in October and there has been some speculation that next season would resume near the end of 2020. Now, it appears more rumblings are coming about as sources say the season could begin on Dec. 22.
ESPN reports that the NBA and its board of governors, along with the National Basketball Players Association will meet separately today (Nov. 5) in order to definitely agree on a start for the 2020-21 season while knocking games down to 72 for the regular season according to sources that handed this information to the network.
Those same sources say that the NBPA will hold a formal vote featuring team player representatives later day and the prevailing thought is that the league and the association are agreeing to the aforementioned start date.
In addition, the NBPA has also discussed a salary escrow for players reportedly due to shrunken revenue due to live games being shut down and play held in a self-contained complex.
Photo: Getty