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Author: wazup

Economic meltdown gives Democrats new hope in Texas

Davis countered that Roy’s approach to the pandemic would endanger public health and further damage the economy. Roy, she said in an interview, should spend less time on radio shows comparing mayors and judges to “dictators,” and “more time working to make sure Texans are getting the critical medical and economic support they need.” Other early flaps have involved statewide leaders who aren’...

Why This Recession Will Be Different (and How to Keep It Mild)

The yield curve inverted again last summer, and Harvey called it a “code red” to financial markets that a downturn was coming in 2020. But the viral outbreak got here first, bringing commerce to a historic halt and throwing the outlook for the next year or more into radically uncertain territory. What can we expect next? And how can we mitigate the damage? In an interview with POLITICO Magazine, t...

Blank checks, taboos and bazookas: Inside the global battle to prevent another depression

The massive infusions of cash from central banks and governments around the world will help. But new approaches will ultimately be required, Rogoff argued, including possible global debt moratoriums for emerging-market economies such as India likely to be slammed by the virus. He also said central banks such as the Fed may be forced into unprecedented steps to revive growth — such as lowering inte...

White House still has no road map for restarting the economy

Trump has said the White House will move ahead with reopening the economy even without the capacity to test every American for the virus. Roughly 328 million people live in the U.S., with only 2 million coronavirus tests completed as of Friday. Dr. Tony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, said last wee...

Fauci says ‘rolling reentry’ possible as soon as next month

“People want to get back to work. … We are setting up a council of some of the most distinguished leaders in virtually every field, including politics, business and medical. And we’ll be making that decision fairly soon,” Trump said in a Saturday interview on Fox News. Fauci on Sunday called for a “rolling reentry” and a solution “that is not one size fits all” to prevent a potential r...

Mark Cuban on Trump’s economic bullishness: ‘I wish he was right but he’s not.’

“There’s something good going to happen. I really believe that. There’s something very good going to happen. We have to get back,” Trump said at a Friday news conference. Nearly 17 million Americans have filed claims for unemployment benefits over the past three weeks, already exceeding the total number of jobs lost over 18 months from the Great Recession of 2007-09. “People aren...

Trump says he’ll announce members of ‘opening our country council’ next week

The new group comes as the president has expressed his eagerness for several weeks now to shake the country from its self-imposed social and economic lockdown, though medical experts have warned that resuming business as usual before the virus is under control and widespread diagnostic measures can be implemented could have dire consequences. Trump indicated Friday that the new group would look fu...

For Once, Wall Street is Optimistic. That Might Not Be Crazy.

Markets aren’t infallible, and sometimes their read on the situation is wrong. But often when they’re wrong, they skew toward pessimism, reacting quickly and aggressively to negative news or even the hint of it. At the end of 2018, for instance, stocks plummeted 20 percent or more based on the fear, unfounded, that rising interest rates would cripple activity. It’s often been said, derisively, tha...

Kudlow leaves door open to more small business funding

While banks have said they have been unable to send money to small business borrowers amid the chaos, Kudlow said there were “$50 billion in loan commitments” and 178,000 loans being processed. “If the demand is that high, which I would regard as a good thing because we just want to get folks through this tough period, why not ask for more money?” he said. The Treasury Depa...

’Huge, unprecedented, devastating hit’: Warnings mount about economic damage

Though the ballooning economic destruction is largely being induced by the government’s efforts to combat the virus, consumers’ outlook for the economy is rapidly darkening as the virus claims more lives and shuts down a broad swath of the country. The growing number of job losses has been a central focus as Congress considers further injections of funds into the economy and as the Fed delib...

Dimon sees ‘bad recession’ after ‘bad planning’ for pandemic

Dimon, who just returned to work after emergency heart surgery, took a veiled swipe at the Trump administration and other U.S. leaders for failing to prepare for the outbreak. He said the pandemic “is only one example of the bad planning and management that have hurt our country.” “Sometimes extraordinary events in history can cause a change in the body politic,” he said. &...

Dems find a rallying cry: Trump tanked the economy

The left flank is increasing pressure on Joe Biden, the party’s likely nominee, to adopt more progressive economic policies. Activists accuse Trump of prioritizing corporate America over low-wage workers, while many moderate Democrats are leery of drawing such distinctions, training their criticism of Trump solely on his initial mishandling of the pandemic. “This is not just about saying, ‘Trump i...