In February, developers Media Molecule launched their most ambitious creation platform to date, Dreams. Following the success of last decade’s LittleBigPlanet, the developers have harnessed this generation’s technology to produce a game creation platform that allows players to create much more than side-scrollers.
With the tools embedded in Dreams, players are able to develop games of nearly every genre out there. So far, we’ve seen first-person shooters, horror adventures, racing games, action RPGs, and everything in-between.
In addition to being able to make playable games, Dreams includes incredibly intuitive music production tools that let users compose entire songs in-game. Levi Niha, a popular YouTube creator known for making videos where he composes music in a number of different video games, uploaded one demonstrating how he utilized the tools provided by Dreams.
The tools are simple to pick up for the average player, but have an extremely high ceiling that allows more experienced producers to implement additional complexity to their tunes. For a lengthy rundown on what’s possible in Dreams, the developers have released a detailed video showcasing the music production features.
Dreams is out now, exclusively on Playstation 4. You can purchase the game at most major retailers as well as digitally from the PlayStation Store here.
Editors Note: Representatives of Sony Interactive Entertainment, LLC (“SIE”) provided EDM.com with a free review copy of “Dreams.”