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Art Collector Jack Siebert Presents ‘High Humanity’

Art Collector Jack Siebert Presents ‘High Humanity’

Art Basel’s inaugural Paris+ is officially underway and to add to the list of events around the city, Jack Siebert has curated a new group exhibition titled High Humanity.

The show is housed at the Chapelle de l’Humanité, which was first conceptualized by French philosopher Auguste Comte. Hailed as the father of positivism, Comte sought to combine feeling, reason and activity in perfect harmony as part of his secular religion of Humanity.

Emblematic of the title, the 20 works on view carry this spirit by adhering to three of Comte’s key tenets: sympathy trust and respect. From Emma Cousins’ carnivalesque figures to the punchy abstractions of Julian Farade, each artist aims to capture their own ‘perfect character’ and by extension, the highest form of humanity, as Comte once suggested.

High Humanity is a situ exhibition that will be on view in Paris until October 22. See below for the full list of exhibiting artists.

In case you missed it, here’s a closer look at the art features in HYPEBEAST Magazine 30: The Frontiers Issue.

Chapelle de l’Humanité
5 Rue Payenne
Paris, France 75003

Exhibiting Artists:

Alexandra Barth
Alfie Caine
Emma Cousin
Pam Evelyn
Julian Farade
Alex Foxton
Tommy Harrison
Adela Janska
Maria Joannou
Poppy Jones
Joanna Wos

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