Apple has officially rolled out its iOS 17 software update, delivering users a new set of features for improved efficiency and usability.
Leading the charge is the communication-forward introduction of a Personalized Contact Poster. True to its name, the posters are displayed when a given contact calls a user, even when using a third-party app. A poster can be designed using photos, Memoji, and Apple’s own typography and font offerings.
Live Voicemail, meanwhile, creates a transcription of a voicemail as a caller is leaving it. The tool is perfect for those who are able to view their home screen but may not have to bandwidth to actually pick up a call at a given time. When Silence Unknown Callers is enabled, unknown numbers will be automatically directed to Live Voicemail, so a user can decide whether or not they want to answer.
Those who want to add more dimension to their messages can now leave both audio and video messages via Facetime, which also comes in handy for callers abroad who may not have regular calling and texting capabilities.
Another experience Apple is bringing to the iPhone is called StandBy. Users can now magnetically attach the phone on its side to a stand. Perfect for display on a counter or desk, the feature can be programmed to display specific widgets, such as a timer or schedule.
Other new features in iOS 17’s mix include easier sharing via AirDrop, a new journaling app and more.
In other tech news, MGM Resorts faced a fourth day of outages as a result of cyberattacks.