AMC’s Stubs program is about to get more expensive, but subscribers will be able to see more movies every week.
AMC’s Stubs program is about to get more expensive, but subscribers will be able to see more movies every week.

Following AMC’s recent changes to its Stubs program — a set of perks that actually seemed like a solid way to get people to sign up — the theater chain is now planning to raise the subscription service’s prices.
Variety reports that, beginning May 7th, a membership to Stub’s A-List tier — which currently allows subscribers to see three movies a week at any AMC theater nationwide — will increase from $24.95 / month to $27.99 / month. To make the subscription a bit sweeter, AMC plans to increase the number of movies Stubs A-List members can watch weekly from three to four. And in a bid to court more young film buffs, AMC is also lowering the age requirement for a Stubs A-List membership to 13.
In a statement to Stubs subscribers about the changes, AMC CEO Adam Aron noted that this was the service’s first price hike in years and insisted that “A-List is still an incredible bargain.”
“Even with this necessary price adjustment, in most cases the cost of an A-List membership will be less than seeing two movies per month as a non-member, especially so if you see a movie in our premium formats and/or buy your tickets online,” he said.