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Alison Mosshart on Potential Dead Weather Reunion: “It’ll Have To Feel Just Right”

Alison Mosshart on Potential Dead Weather Reunion: “It’ll Have To Feel Just Right”

At some point between The White Stripes’ debut and now, Jack White crossed over from being the frontman of an exciting blues rock duo to being an ambassador for the very essence of the music he creates. And, as evidenced by the many groups he’s played in and/or produced for, White isn’t hesitant to share some of that essence. In Consequence’s latest cover story, starring White, Alison Mosshart (of The Kills and The Dead Weather) shares her experience working with the rock icon.

“[He’s a] wildly creative mind, of course. He moves quick, ideas come to him like boom, boom, boom, and he’s fearless in all his projects,” Mosshart tells Consequence. “[He] just fires up the engine and goes. There is total heart and passion running through all of his work. His energy is huge, and he’s a great collaborator.”

Speaking of The Dead Weather — a supergroup of White’s circle featuring Mosshart, Raconteur Jack Lawrence, Dean Fertita, and White himself — Mosshart paints a picture of manic creativity.


“Those three Dead Weather records were a wild and fast ride, writing and recording simultaneously and then taking the show on the road,” she recalls. “Four people in a room and pow! It was incredibly fun and a great creative experience, where everyone wrote and everyone contributed. The band felt really alive and the music seemed to write itself.”

Of course, even with three albums in the bank, such a group is difficult to maintain. Each member has numerous other projects, making scheduling studio time, let alone a full-blown tour, nearly impossible.


“Your guess is as good as mine,” Mosshart says when asked about a potential Dead Weather reunion. “The band was a happy accident. We walked into Jack’s new recording studio at the time to test out the room and the gear, and walked out with a whole record in the blink of an eye. It was a real, ‘Holy shit, what have we just done?!’ moment.”

“Very magical, I think, to go from ‘let’s see if this mic works’ to a whole album. We had no plan or desire to start a band, but the music just seemed to kidnap us,” she continues. “Maybe one day we’ll all be home at the same time and get together and do something again. It’ll have to be magic again. It’ll have to feel just right.”

Read the rest of the cover story here. Jack White is also in the midst of his “Supply Chain Issues Tour,” which features support from Zelooperz, Cat Power, The Paranoyds, and Ichi-Bons on select dates. The trek extends through October. You can pick up tickets here.


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