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Actress Chita Agwu Laments Robbery In London

Actress Chita Agwu Laments Robbery In London

Nollywood actress, Chita Agwu, has revealed that she was robbed of her valuables at Finchley Road Station in London.

This comes weeks after some celebrities spoke out about their robbery encounters in London. Also, the Federal Government had warned citizens about the increased possibilities of robbery in the United Kingdom and America

The actress made this known via her Instagram account on Thursday.

In a post she shared on her Instagram account, she wrote, “Oh my God!!! What is this world becoming? How can another human sleep well at night knowing very well that he stole from another? I got robbed in London, at Finchley Road station. All my valuables in the bag are gone. I thought I was dreaming, I’m not okay. I couldn’t sleep last night.”

Credit: Instagram | chitaoxe1



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  • #450668

    Tweet Tweet Share Whatsapp reddit Nollywood actress, Chita Agwu, has revealed that she was robbed of her valuables at Finchley Road Station in London.
    [See the full post at: Actress Chita Agwu Laments Robbery In London]

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