It’s helpful to include stretching in your exercise plan. Stretching can increase flexibility and improve the range of motion in your joints, helping you move more freely. And the flexibility you gain from stretching might protect you from injury.
Stretching safely
Before stretching, warm up with 5 to 10 minutes of light activity. Better yet, stretch after a workout. Keep stretches gentle and slow. Don’t bounce. Breathe through your stretches. If you feel pain, you’ve stretched too far.
Stretch until you feel a slight pull. Then hold the stretch for about 30 seconds. Repeat the stretch on both sides 2 to 4 times. Aim to stretch 2 to 3 days a week.
If you have health conditions or injuries, talk to a health care professional or physical therapist about which stretches are right for you.

Calf stretch
The calf muscle runs along the back of your lower leg. To stretch the calf muscles:
- Stand at arm’s length from a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment.
- Put your right foot behind your left foot.
- Slowly bend your left leg forward, keeping your right knee straight and your right heel on the floor.
- Hold your back straight and your hips forward. Don’t rotate your feet inward or outward.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.
- To deepen the stretch, slightly bend your right knee as you bend your left leg forward.

Hamstring stretch
The hamstring muscle runs along the back of your upper leg. To stretch the hamstring muscles:
- Lie on the floor near the outer corner of a wall or a door frame so that your left leg is next to the wall.
- Raise your left leg and rest your left heel against the wall. Keep your left knee slightly bent.
- Gently straighten your left leg until you feel a stretch along the back of your left thigh.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.
- As your flexibility increases, increase the stretch by gradually scooting yourself closer to the wall or door frame.

Quadriceps stretch
The quadriceps muscle runs along the front of your thigh. To stretch the quadriceps muscles:
- Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment for support.
- Grasp your ankle and gently pull your heel up and back until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh.
- Tighten the stomach muscles to prevent your stomach from sagging outward, and keep your knees close together.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Hip flexor stretch
The hip flexors allow you to lift your knees and flex at your waist. These muscles are located on your upper thighs, just below your hipbones. To stretch your hip flexors:
- Kneel on your right knee. Use a folded towel to cushion your kneecap.
- Place your left foot in front of you, bending your knee and placing your left hand on your left leg for stability.
- Place your right hand on your right hip to avoid bending at your waist. Keep your back straight and abdominal muscles tight.
- Lean forward, shifting more body weight onto your front leg. You’ll feel a stretch in your right thigh.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Iliotibial band stretch
The iliotibial band (ITB) is a band of tissue that runs along the outside of your hip, thigh and knee. To stretch the ITB:
- Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment for support.
- Cross your left leg over your right leg at the ankle.
- Extend your left arm overhead, reaching toward your right side. You’ll feel a stretch along your left hip.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch sides and repeat.

Knee-to-chest stretch
The knee-to-chest stretch focuses on the muscles of your lower back. If you have osteoporosis, avoid this stretch because it may increase the risk of compression fractures in the vertebrae.
To do this stretch:
- Lie on your back on a firm surface with the backs of your heels flat on the floor.
- Gently pull one knee up to your chest until you feel a stretch in your lower back.
- Bring your knee as close to your chest as comfortably possible.
- Keep your opposite leg relaxed in a comfortable position, either with your knee bent or with your leg extended.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Shoulder stretch
If the back of your shoulder is tight, you may be more likely to develop rotator cuff problems. These problems are more likely if you golf or play overhead racket or throwing sports, such as tennis or baseball. To keep your shoulders flexible:
- Bring your left arm across your body and hold it with your right arm, either above or below the elbow.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch arms and repeat.

Shoulder stretch with towel
The shoulder’s internal rotators are part of the group of muscles often used in overhead sports activities, such as a tennis serve or an overhead throw. To stretch these muscles:
- Grasp a rolled-up towel firmly with both hands, as shown.
- Gently pull the towel toward the ceiling with your top hand. You’ll feel a stretch in the shoulder of your opposite arm as your lower hand is gently pulled farther up your back.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Switch hands and repeat.

Neck stretch
To stretch your neck:
- Bend your head forward and slightly to the right.
- With your right hand, gently pull your head downward. You’ll feel a nice, easy stretch along the back left side of your neck.
- Hold for about 30 seconds.
- Repeat on the opposite side.

Aug. 30, 2023
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