At its latest indie showcase, Nintendo revealed a handful of intriguing titles coming to the Switch in 2021. The biggest reveal is that Among Us, one of 2020’s biggest games, isn’t just coming to the Switch, but it’ll be available later today.
There were plenty of other cool announcements as well. One of the most notable reveals was that classic rouguelike series Spelunky is coming to the Switch next year. That includes both the original Spelunky as well as Spelunky 2, with local multiplayer for both (and online for the sequel) in summer 2021.
Other reveals include:
- Fisti-fluffs, a physics-based brawler about cats wreaking havoc in an empty house, will launch in early 2021
- Tunche, a hand-drawn action game about exploring a fantasy version of the Amazon rainforest, will be out in March 2021
- Cyber-Shadow, a retro, pixel-art action game from Mechanical Head Studios (and published by Shovel Knight studio Yacht Club Games), will launch on January 26th, 2021
- Calico, another cat-themed game, this time about running an adorable cat cafe, will be available later today
- Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, a nature-themed exploration game from Monument Valley studio Ustwo, which just recently launched on Apple Arcade, will be on the Switch in spring 2021
- Gnosia is a short game about finding an alien lifeform hidden among your crew. It’s a mystery game that’s meant to be replayed multiple times. Also, there’s a dolphin. It’ll be out next year.
- Happy Game, the latest release from Machinarium developer Amanita Design that’s described as a psychological horror game, will be out in spring 2021
- Gruesome and brutally hard platformer Super Meatboy Forever is coming to the Switch on December 23rd
- While we knew Grindstone was coming, there’s some more good news: Capy’s addictive puzzle game will hit the Switch later today