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The 2nd Chartered CIO Council meeting

The Institute of Chartered IT Professionals (ICITP) followed up its inaugural launch with a 2nd Chartered CIO Council meeting online amid the COVID-19 lockdown.

The Chartered CIO Council is an inclusive advisory & advocacy council for the South African MICT sector, established by the Institute of Chartered IT Professionals (ICITP) the Information Technology professional body recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) according to the NQF Act. ICITP is the certifying body and custodian for IT professionals in Africa.

The Chartered CIO Council ensures that all CIOs are accredited and qualified to perform the practice of a Chartered-CIO & create awareness about the roles, governance and functions of a CIO, so as to bolster the reputation & role the Chief Information Officer (CIO) says chairperson John Bosco Arends (CCIO).

The Council meeting began with a presentation by the CEO of ICITP Seun Adegelu who awarded the first Chartered CIO (CCIO) designation to John Bosco Arends a pioneer and holder of the ITCP(SA) designation with 25+ years of experience in the public and private sector.

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The CEO shared ICITP’s proud milestones and national interventions, such as its recognition with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), its national certification programme with the Department of Basic Education (DBE), and National Youth Development Agency (NYDA).

Also announced was ICITP’s new digital signature for use by the ICT industry & members for verification and authentication of employees/professionals and its partnerships with OEM & Vendor certifications like CompTIA for industry and localised recognition of IT practitioner in South Africa.

The 2nd meeting’s main objective was to identify & establish Industry Ambassadors & Competency professionals. These are CIOs within the council that will be custodians and representatives of the ICT aspect of an Industry such as Finance, Health, Retail, Transport, Space & Satellite or a Competency such as Integrated Governance, Risk & Compliance Enterprise Architecture, SHEQ, Finance or Procurement. These were established through nominations by members.

The Meeting was capped by the announcement and appointment of an executive committee which is chaired by John Bosco Arends (CCIO) and consists of the following:

-Deputy Chairperson as Warren Hero ITCP (SA)
-Executive for Competency Development as Makano Mosidi
-Executive for Communication as Portia Maluleke
-Executive for Industry Ambassadors as Abdul Kader Baba
-Executive of Governance asTichaona Zororo
-Executive of Skills Development as Mdu Zakwe
-Executive for Enterprise Development as Darryl Dennis
-Executive of Advisory Panel as Patrick Makhubedu
& Provincial Executive for Gauteng Advisory Panel as Oliphant Modibedi

Announcements for Industry Ambassadors and Competency Professionals will follow once appointments of these roles have been accepted.

Staff writer 

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