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Linda Ndungu: What drives Bolt Kenya boss’ career

Linda Ndungu: What drives Bolt Kenya boss' career

The Bible is a fascinating storybook full of unbelievable men engaging in unbelievable activities. Of dreadlocked men who kill thousands of men with only a donkey’s jawbone. Men who live in whales. Men who could drive the devil out of their leader by simply playing them a harp. [If only]. Men who had 300 wives and 700 concubines but still managed to find time to preside over a kingdom.

Then there are teetotalers and vegetarians who could also interpret dreams, like Daniel.

And it’s the story of Daniel that Linda Ndungu, Country Manager of Bolt, the ride-hailing service, resonates with the most. (And not for any dietary reasons). To quickly refresh your memory. Daniel, captured together with his Jewish cronies, Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego, are hauled off to Babylon to serve in the king’s court, where they face a lot of pressure to conform to Babylonian society and give up the ways of their people.

Linda identifies strongly with Daniel, whose story offers the apt illustration (or is it an allegory?) of her career drive and motivations. A story of service and rooting. “My corporate job is my assignment because God gives people assignments in different areas, and I do it while retaining my [original] call.” She says. “I can be fruitful wherever God puts me.”

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