The Healthy Lifestyle Committee is organizing another fun health challenge to help support your health and fitness goals. The 28-Day Fit for Fall Healthy Lifestyle Challenge is a more holistic approach to balanced wellness that will not only focus on nutrition and fitness but will also focus on other areas of wellness and will include daily challenge items such as: practicing self-care and a positive mindset, proper sleep hygiene, good environmental health, positive human connection and much more!
Challenge runs October 2nd – October 29th 2023 (28 days, including weekends)
- Participants will receive a list of 30 challenges to be completed during the 28 days, complete as many as you can (no more than two a day)!
- Random prize drawings for those who participate!
Register by Friday, September 29, 2023
Fit for Fall Kick-Off & Information Session: Wednesday September 27, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm
Questions? Please email:
Brought to you by the WSU Spokane Wellness Collaborative, the Office of Research, and the College of Agriculture Human and Natural Resources.
If you would like to join the Wellness Collaborative and be a part of these fun events, email . We are always looking for new members and fresh new ideas!