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Jacob Elordi ate “a pound of bacon a day” to play Elvis Presley in Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla

Jacob Elordi ate "a pound of bacon a day" to play Elvis Presley in Sofia Coppola's Priscilla

Jacob Elordi kept it simple while bulking up for his role as Elvis Presley in Priscilla. To gain the weight he needed, the actor fully indulged in the King of Rock and Roll’s infamous appetite for bacon.

“I averaged, like, a pound of bacon a day,” Elordi revealed in a recent roundtable interview with Entertainment Weekly alongside director Sofia Coppola and co-star Cailee Spaeny. “It’s not that noticeable because I’m quite long, but I was the biggest I’ve ever been.”

As Coppola explained, “Priscilla [Presley] told us that Elvis liked really burnt bacon.”

They continued by discussing Elvis’ affinity for the Fool’s Gold Loaf, which is a gut-busting 8,000-calorie sandwich made up of a pound of bacon, a loaf of sourdough bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly that he first came across at the Colorado Mine Company restaurant in Denver. As Spaeny pointed out, Elvis fell so in love with it that he would sometimes fulfill his cravings by chartering a private jet from his home in Graceland.


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Coppola commented that the Fool’s Gold Loaf reminded Elvis of his childhood. “Priscilla told me that because they were so poor, that they would just live off peanut butter and banana sandwiches,” she said. “So when he was more successful, like, it reminded him of being a kid. But we have to ask her how to really make them because she can tell us how to do it.”

Watch the full interview below. The bacon discussion begins around the seven-minute mark.

Priscilla is out in theaters. In our review, Associate Editor Mary Siroky praised the film for landing as “a remarkably moving portrait not just of a pair of American icons, but also of a dissolving romance.” Be sure to check out our interview with Phoenix about creating the soundtrack

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