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Sameera Reddy suggests taking ‘a step back to reassess your lifestyle’

Sameera Reddy suggests taking ‘a step back to reassess your lifestyle’

Sameera Reddy is a firm advocate of body positivity and never misses a chance to charm her followers with her authenticity. Whether it’s sharing heartwarming family moments or promoting sustainable health and fitness, the actor-influencer effortlessly balances the glitz of showbiz with her down-to-earth personality. In keeping with this spirit, she recently posted a note on Instagram, asking everyone: “When was the last time you got a checkup?”

Sharing a smiling bare-faced picture of herself in blue tights and top, Sameera revealed that two months back, her body wasn’t listening to her – “my weight began to pile on, my skin changed, my cycles went haywire, and the mood swings were harsh.”

She emphasised that she experienced these changes in her health despite no change in her lifestyle. “As much as I am all about positivity and affirmations, sometimes, the hormones just don’t support you. I knew it was time for a check-up. And my prolactin levels came out quite high. As much as I hated it, I had to start the medication,” she added.

Sameera believes that we are so caught up in trying to keep up, that when the body starts showing signs, we are tempted to ignore them. However, you must pay attention to them. “I have also dug deeper into a more balanced lifestyle. I try sleeping more (as much as I love my late-night me-time with K-dramas), I eat healthily, and I am back on intermittent fasting (I have discovered lots of new yummy salads and I will share them with you soon).”

Further, the actor shared that she takes her multivitamins every day, has started a daily gut probiotic which has resulted in a huge change and practises daily calm exercises like walking, yoga, and pilates. “I take homoeopathy and natural remedies and most importantly, I have always been focused on trying to keep it all balanced which I have to admit is the hardest part,” she further wrote.

Sharing that she will resume her ‘Fitness Friday’ posts again with a deeper focus on sustainable health goals, Sameera concluded by saying that she is rooting for herself. “Taking a step back to reassess your lifestyle is the key. And charting a clear long-term goal is what’s going to work. Slow and steady. It’s not a race,” she said.

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