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Kanye West Hires Far-Right Op Milo Yiannopoulos To Direct His Political Campaign

Kanye West Hires Far-Right Op Milo Yiannopoulos To Direct His Political Campaign
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Source: SAUL LOEB / Getty

With Donald Trump facing multiple criminal indictments and Ron DeSantis flopping on the national stage, Kanye West sees an opening for the hearts of the far-right MAGA voters and is once again plotting a Presidential run for 2024.

Hoping to secure enough support from January 6 rioters and white nationalists across the board, Yeezy has once again enlisted the controversial talents of Milo Yiannopoulos to help his political ambitions and point his potential Presidential campaign in the “right” direction. According to The Daily Beast, Kanye decided that the best man to help lead him to the political promised land is an openly gay British political commentator who’s criticized Islam, social justice, and even lowkey condoned pedophilia between boys and men. Kanye West sure knows how to pick them, doesn’t he?

Per the Daily Beast:

Yiannopoulos’s return as West’s “director of political operations” marks the latest twist in the treacherous internal politics of West’s political shop. Yiannopoulos was the first far-right figure associated with West’s potential presidential ambitions last year, dining with Trump, West, and Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago. But Yiannopoulos found himself pushed out in early December, replaced by Fuentes and Jan. 6 rally organizer Ali Alexander.

Now, according to sources affiliated with West, the tables have turned once again.

“Ye is an artist of distinction, refinement and taste, so naturally for this next chapter of his political endeavors he has ditched the Nutella and cracked out the caviar,” Yiannopoulos told The Daily Beast in a text message.

Now that Milo’s back in charge, both Fuentes and Alexander were given the pink-slip via email by Yiannopoulos though they were offered “advisor” roles with no pay because, well, Kanye isn’t a billionaire anymore.

“Your services on Ye’s exploratory team are terminated as of this letter, and will not be required for any possible future campaign,” Yiannopoulos wrote.

In an email to The Daily Beast, Alexander said Yiannopoulos was “full of shit” and declined to comment on whether he’s still working for West.

“I don’t discuss my friendship with Ye or others to the press,” Alexander wrote. “He is a genius and samples many views from many people.”

Fuentes and representatives for West didn’t respond to requests for comment.

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t just weird. Nah, it’s still pretty damn funny.

Whether or not this will help Kanye West secure an actual serious run at the White House is anyone’s guess (it won’t), but it will make for some pretty damn entertaining news and moments going forward.

What do y’all think of Kanye West hiring Milo Yiannopoulos to helm his political machine going forward? Let us know in the comment section below.

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